Thursday, March 4, 2021

Miles Duane - Month 10

August 25, 2020 - September 24, 2020
Mr. Miles is growing! He has learned how to open the front door, so he is always going straight there and trying to escape!
He loves food, any and all!
We started giving him formula for his feedings on the 29th of August and he is doing really well with the transition and holds his own bottle!
He taps 1 to 2 naps a day. Starting to sleep better at night, finally not waking up until 5 or 7 and he will cuddle one of us in bed now and will go back to sleep!
He gives a grumbly WOOF when we talk about the puppies or he sees them! He loves to open the front door and go sit outside it while he watches the dogs!
He has a bottle 4 times a day, no more night feedings! He eats anything we put in front of him and he loves the baby food out of the squeezable pouches!
This month he has loved to be everywhere he can get on his own! He is always moving and going!
He still loves to be with Mom or by Mom! He loves getting chased!
He loves food and his bottle, he loves being outside, he loves the puppies and he loves getting into the cupboards!
He can stand up from a sitting position!
He started taking steps towards the first of the month and really started walking on the 17th of September!
He dislikes getting teeth! He has been absolutely awful when his teeth have come in! He dislikes showers and getting his bum changed!
He dislikes when Mom walks away from him or won't pick him up!
When he wants us to hold him he tilts his head to the side and grunts "Uh" until we pick him up!
Loves the puppies!
He is the cutest walker with his hands up in the air for balance!
He is finally starting to let us cuddle him and it's my favorite!
He is such a ham and has the best smiles and giggles!
He loves his first nap of the day and really looks forward to it!
He makes a silly face where he scrunches up his nose and pucker his lips!
He is very sweet and lovable!
He never strays to far from Mom and Dad and if he does it's not long before he is coming back!
He hates long car rides! Like he is pretty miserable to travel with!
He is starting to climb on everything!
He loves stroller rides and watching the kids!
He loves playing with the toys and pushing all the buttons on them!
He has been loving baths!
Getting so big!

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