Friday, March 5, 2021

Jones House - October

Another busy month working on the house!
Camille and Miles have spent a lot of time up here with us! They are so good to get up and go and most the time still in their pajamas!
McKay has been so dedicated and has been working non stop!
Brought a lot of loads of dirt in! Brought in enough to pour the porch and garage!
Owen loves helping! He is always asking what he can do!
Sweeping up the mess!
We laid the floor trusses this month! Grandpa, McKay, Lance and I got them up in a day!
Got all the floor trusses on! It was a long and hot day!
Leveling the dirt out in the back for the back porch!
Watering the dirt down to help compact it!
This kid has been obsessed with the ladders! We have to keep an eye on him or lay the ladders down so he doesn't climb them!
Watching the cement truck get ready to pour!
Pouring the stem walls to the garage!
We also got our windows ordered and delivered!

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