Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Attempting pictures this year was a bit of a joke! Kids wouldn't hold still and Miles didn't want to stand close to the others! They all looked awesome!
Miles was a little puppy!
Carter was the plague doctor!
Owen was Venom!
Baylee was a Mermaid!
Camille was a Black Ninja!
So we had this great thought that we would load the kids up in the little trailer on Isaac's 4 wheeler and ride them around house to house, well 2 houses down we noticed the trailer had a major flat tire so we ended up not being able to do it!
Here is our attempt at trying it out!
Carter went trick or treating with cousins! That was weird not to have him with us but he had fun!
Miles loved sitting in the stroller and eating suckers!
It was a pretty warm night for the most part! Once the sun totally went down it did get a bit chilly and at that point the kids were done!
Miles didn't really care to go door to door but he loved when his siblings shared treats with him!
Happy 2020 Halloween!

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