Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Owen Gunnar @ 13 Months

He is one!!! So he started walking 2 days before his first birthday! He is learning now to go from a sitting position to a standing position! He is getting his 7th tooth! He loves to laugh, spin in circles on Grandma's wood floor, he loves a good beat so he can dance to the music! He climbs on everything! He blows kisses and he knows what an elephant says! He has blonde blonde hair! He loves being outside and he will cry when we bring him in! He loves drinks, doesn't matter what is in it, he just wants it! He is quite the tease and so very lovable! If we are outside he always seems to find a rock and he will put it in his mouth and just gnaw and suck on it for a while, he never swallows them! We went camping and he loved every minute of it! He is walking like a champ by the end of the month and now is getting into everything!
12 1/2 Months!
He is the best sleeper!
Always wakes up so happy!
He has never been bothered by the grass!
He loves his milk!
Always finding the dirt and just taking a seat and playing!
He loves the freedom of walking now!
For the most part he doesn't mind the shoes!
Always following his brother and sister around!
He is a very good eater!
We always know when he isn't feeling well because he doesn't sleep well and won't eat, two things you love!
Lunch with sister!
Having to much fun at the Dr. office!
Loves being independent!
Playing peek-a-boo with Carter
Messy hair!
Always finds weird things on the floor!
Wants to be like Carter!
Too cute!
Hanging out at baseball!
Loves this vibrating strawberry on his teeth!
Loves his binky!
Staying out of the sun!
Snacking during State Softball with cousin Ellie!
Tired boy!
Loves playing and chasing the cats that come around our home!
Being so good while Mom and Dad hold scouts!
Loves the bath hates getting lotioned and dressed!
Excited to finally try out his new present!
He usually holds still better than his brother and sister during scriptures!
Loves his toy corner and will sit and play here forever!
Love his teethy grin!
Loves the water!
Doesn't even care that it's cold water!
He is not a baby anymore!

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