Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Brother/Sister Love ~ Apr.-June

I say this every time but I love the relationship that my kids have with each other! It's not perfect, they do fight, but for the most part they are best friends and they wouldn't let a soul hurt one of the others! I love to hear their giggles in the back room, or see them run around from room to room! I love to see them cuddling on the couch reading books, watching a movie or getting warm! I love their imaginations at work together and I love that even though Owen messes things up most the time they just roll with it!
Pulling Owen around the house on the tent!
They love helping Grandma in the kitchen!
Riding scooters home!
Owen thought he was pretty funny sitting on his brother!
Playing the iPad in style!
Plenty of splash pad fun!
Sunday walks!
Looking sharp for church!
Many conversations to hear at this table before, during and after meal time!
Sleeping in our tent in the living room!
hey love to greet Owen in the morning it's a race who can get there first!
Outside fun!
Riding with Carter to preschool!
Duck Duck Goose at softball with their friends!
Mother's Day! Love these kids!
Carter showing Owen how to be a good eater!
Visiting sister!
Lunch date with Hadlee!
Sharing drinks!
Owen loves to be right in the middle of what the kids are doing!
Special treat!
Playground fun!
Waiting for Dad at work! Loving the arm around Carter though!
A wagon ride in the rain!
Hotel swimming!
Lunch date! 3 of my favorite to go with!
Protesting! They wanted to walk home from Grandma's, little did they know it was an easy fight to win!
We love spending our time outside!
Movie night!
Carter is always a big helper when it comes to helping Owen!
Sno Cones!
Touring the new fire station!
Check-ups from the famous Doc Baylee!
Owen being a nice brother and sitting in timeout with Carter!
Taking a rest!
Pool fun!
Reading scriptures!
Tending cousin Ellie!
Sleepover with Grandma Wallin

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