Friday, September 2, 2016

Owen @ 12 Months

This kid is almost 1! I have loved every stage he has gone through and I always wish they would last longer but I swear they keep getting faster! Owen is the happiest, easy-going, laid back, go with the flow kid! He has me wrapped around his finger and I could kiss on those cheeks all day long! 
He goes to bed anytime between 8:30 and 10:00 and wakes up anytime between 7:30 and 9:00! He sleep great! He usually takes 2 naps a day with a catnap here and there!
He loves food and will eat anything in front of him! He loves to copy what Mom and Dad say! He will sway back and forth, he laugh lots, he arches his back when he is mad and he talks all the time!
He loves to be with the kids playing, being outside and eating! He wants to walk everywhere now, he loves to tease and he loves music and dancing!
He hates getting his bum changed and clothes on! He doesn't like it when Baylee tries to carry him everywhere, like literally everywhere! He doesn't like strangers!
His favorite toys are his car, trucks and cars he can push, boxes and he climbs on top of everything!
By the end of April he is walking more steady, stand up from a sitting position and are learning to say what an elephant and lion say! Learning more words!
He started walking 3 days before his first birthday!
11 Months Old!
Loving all the chubbiness!
Hanging out in the equipment room at softball to stay out of the cold wind! You were perfectly content in the ball bin!
Always full of smiles!
Loves playing with cousins!
Always touching his toes!
He loves to go to the playroom and throw everything off the shelves!
Always wakes up so happy from naps!
Eating doughnuts at early morning softball tournaments!
Cheering on the girls!
Ready for a nap!
He loves his binky and playing in his car!
Going down the slide all by himself!
Loves being outside!
Wants to ride the scooter!
Loves walks in the stroller!
Trying to warm up with Dad!
Love his big smiles and his Sunday best!
Obsessed with sitting on boxes!
Crawling through tunnels!
Best eater out of all my kids!
Walking all over! Still needs his hands up for balance!
Chilling with Grandpa W. during the softball game!
Loves his milk!

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