Wednesday, September 2, 2015

...State Softball/Baseball Weekend...

I LOVE coaching softball! I also love working and getting to know the girls that come through! State is always a fun weekend with the girls and my family! We headed up for state on Thursday, May 7th and headed straight to the ballpark! This was Owen's first real trip and he did so well!
My awesome softball girls!
We had two games on Thursday plus McKay went to the boys baseball game!
Baylee was worn out and fell asleep on Grandma's chair!
Yes my Mom is awesome and comes up to help watch my kids while I coach! She is super amazing!
Carter staying out of the rain!
Baylee trying to wake up Carter!
Of course we did lots of swimming!
Carter needed a rest I guess!
Baylee loving having her freedom with her new life jacket!
Pulling Daddy out of the pool!
Owen hanging out with Mom!
Enjoying the hot tub!
Testing out the cold water before she jumps in!
After swimming we headed back to the room to get ready for another big day at the ball park!
Carter talking to Owen!
Baylee and Owen sleeping on Daddy!
So the next day was a big day! The kids were exhausted and we still had one more day of games left!
Baseball and softball teams!
Saturday we lost and ended up taking 3rd! Boys got rained out for their championship game so we decided to stay the whole weekend so we could go to their game on Monday!
So Saturday after the games we headed to The Spaghetti Factory to eat!
My cute little girl! 
After we ate we headed to the Children's Museum at Thanksgiving Point! The kids had a blast!
Climbing across the rope bridge!
Trying out everything they had!
Owen just slept in Mom's arms!
Making earthquakes!
Carter loved the water section!
He also loved playing with the puppets!

Even though it was raining we still went outside! A little rain never hurt anyone!
Going into the cave!
Carter and Baylee with the "nice" bear!
Checking out the fish!
Carter didn't love the feeling of being unbalanced!
Carter hated this thing! Baylee loved it! She laughed and smiled the whole time she was spinning!
What's a hotel stay without pizza in you room! It is kinda our thing to order pizza late at night and enjoy it in the comfort of our hotel room!
The kids love it to!
Owen just chilling like always!
Killing time on Sunday since we had nothing to do because of our random stay!
The kids really love their brother!
Leftover pizza anyone?
Such a handsome little guy!
Getting into trouble!
Lots of loves!
Owen just handles all this loving like a champ!
Monday came and we had two more baseball games! Owen supported the best he could! But it's so hard to stay awake at this age! Yes he was only 10 days old here!

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