Thursday, September 17, 2015

~Owen @ 1 Month~

This boy has won all our hearts over! We all LOVE him so much and are so happy he is apart of our family! The older kids absolutely adore him and are so excited that he is finally out of Mom's tummy! They are constantly asking to hold him, they love to come talk to him and give him lots of hugs and kisses! It's hard to imagine life without him! Three kids has been good! I haven't felt much of an overwhelming shock having 3 kids now, it just seems like this was how it was supposed to be!
So Owen is the sweetest baby! He loves sleep, you'll sleep feeding to feeding, going 4 to 5 hour stretches at night! During the day you eat every 3 hours and you don't like to be late! You grunt ALL the time, even when you sleep! Your arms are either above your head or right by your face! This month you have especially liked sleep, food, baths and snuggles! You love to listen to your brother and sister play or talk, you really like when they are in the room! You like laying in your bouncer! You dislike Mom making you wait to eat or being laid on the ground to long! This month you are trying to deal with our busy schedule and Carter and Baylee's roughness! They are only trying to be nice and sweet but sometimes they forget how little you are and come in a little to hard!
Came home Saturday, the day after you were born, went to Grandma Joneses to pick up your brother and sister and introduce you to Grandma! Baylee had to hold you first!
One proud and excited sister!
Carter showing you how to play with toys!
Love to take naps in your bouncer!
My little cutie!
Getting a little loving from Grandpa Wallin!
You can sleep through anything!
Snuggling with Dad!
Sucking on your fingers! Is this a sign of what's to come?... I think yes!
Very proud Uncle! He loves his nieces and nephews and really loves when their are news ones! He is gonna be the best Dad!
Sadly you had to be on the lights for 4 days! Mom didn't get snuggles because you were on them all the time except for eating! I got a lot done from not holding you but I would much rather leave the house messy and snuggle you!

His umbilical cord fell off really early, 3 days after he was born! Which meant we were able to take baths really early!
So relaxing!
Wait for it...
...haha, he hated getting lotioned and dressed!
Finally warm!
Mom snuggling for 5 minutes before she puts you on the lights!
Thankfully you just slept there and didn't care to be held all the time!
Cutest face!
Hands always by your face!
No pictures Mom!
Fine one picture, I'll even crack my eyes open!
First trip was 6 days after you were born!
First hotel stay!
Snuggling with Mom while the others swim!
Getting some snuggle time from a very cute girl that we love, Bailee Hunter!
Supporting the softball team at state, in the cute coaching gear they set you up with!
Snuggling with Mom on the very rainy day!
I'm Handsome!
Supporting the High School Baseball team and enjoying the warm weather!
Falling asleep in the bath tub!
Not this again!
Can I just have clothes?
Full belly!
Dad always holding you in goofy positions!
Crazy Dad!
More snuggles with Grandpa Wallin!
Trying to eat your fingers!

He spits up tons so I try to prop him up when he sleeps so he doesn't choke!
So peaceful!
Wide awake and talking to Mom!
Snuggling with Mom!


Love his pucker lips!
Finally comfortable!
Sucking his thumb!
Giving Mom smiles!

Having a pep talk with Dad!

Sweet Dreams!
Hanging with his cousin Ellie who is 5 months older!
Snuggling with Aunt Sam!
Grandma Wallin with a couple of her grandbabies!
Meeting cousin Aubrey for the first time!
She loves babies and is so good with them!
Love the looks on both their faces! Meeting cousin Tallon for the first time!
So sweet!
Watching Carter and Baylee play behind him!
Chilling with Uncle Isaac!
Hates a binky but did take one for about 20 minutes here!

Oh! he melts my heart!
Loves sleeping with those hands above his head!

Oh man!

Mom gives you lots and lots of kisses!
Bright Eyed!
Chit chatting with Grandpa Wallin!

Joslyn and Owen only 2 1/2 months apart! She was born 6 weeks early! Just about the same size!
Ellie, Joslyn and Owen!
Aubrey holding the 2 smaller ones!

Helping Mom do laundry!
Soccer star!
Up, Up and Away!
The kids love when I lay him on their bellies!

Flash gave him a deer in the headlights look!
Dad may have feel asleep with him between his legs!

Carter getting pictures of us!

First day of church! So handsome!
Meeting cousin McKinley for the first time!
Cousin Treyson!
Enjoying the outdoors, a little wind never stops us!
All kids made it into Mom's bed!
Loves his stroller rides!
Love us some baby legs and feet!

Funny faces!

Owen is so small in Grandpa's big arms!
Talking to Grandma!

Love these feet!
Getting chubbier!

Looking at the animals!

Getting lotion on at the end of the month is getting better! We don't cry to much!

Wish he would stop growing! His first month has gone so fast!


Shanley said...

Awww so fun to have cousins so close together! They are going to have so much fun. He is such a little sweetheart. Reminds me so much of Carter as a newborn.

Emilee said...

Oh he's the cutest!