Tuesday, September 15, 2015

~Carter McKay in May~

Oh I love this kid! He is funny, sweet, loving, caring, imaginative, and much more! I just love his personality and I love that he is a momma's boy!
Carter weighs: 40.1 lbs. in the 76% and his height: 42 1/2 in. in the 85%!
He loves playing, with toys, his siblings, friends and neighbors! I can hear him in the other room playing and I love his imagination as he plays with different toys! He loves to just go go go!
Using some PVC pipe as weapons to go get the bad guys in our yard!
Always falls asleep in the weirdest positions!
Carter had a well child check at the beginning of May and the Dr. heard a extra noise in his heart, so to be safe he had us go get an Echo done to rule out anything serious! Thank heavens it all came back okay! Carter was a champ and help really still for a REALLY long time! The Dr. was so impressed by how good he was!

Always will stop and take a picture for Mom!
Loves sno cones!
Loves going to Grandpa and Grandma Joneses house to play in their yard! It's awesome!
Especially this new slide on the tree house!
He has always been my really good eater! Tries everything once at least and likes 95% of what he eats! This month though he has decided he doesn't like meat! We are really struggling getting him to eat any kind of meat, he has never had a problem before this! He will chew it for an hour before we finally have him go spit it out or he will store it in his cheeks!
Complaining about the chicken!
He loves to dance!
He loves to watch movies!
He loves Uncle Isaac and playing on the iPad!
He loves taking care of all the babies! He is such a big helper and they just love him so much! He can always get them to laugh and smile when nobody else can!

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