Sunday, June 22, 2014

Capitol Reef/Easter - Day 1

We love going on trips and we love adventure! So for Easter weekend we decided to head up to Capitol Reef because it is a pretty neutral site between Enterprise and Blanding that way my sister and her husband could join in on the fun! We headed out Friday morning, April 18th, got to Capitol Reef around 2ish and it said all the campsites were full! McKay and I were following my Dad's car and he just kept driving in the campsite! I kept thinking what is he doing? Praying there is just one left... haha good luck! Finally he stopped and I thought Dad all the sites around us are full! Isaac gets out of the car and tells us to help them back up the tent trailer... I am wondering why when Isaac finally says Sam and Scott are right here! So to back up a little bit... Scott and Sam left Thursday night because they were afraid there were going to be no spots Friday with it being Easter weekend! So they decided to head out that night and get a spot so we were not stranded all weekend! They pulled in late Thursday night and all the signs said campsite full Scott proceeded to drive thru just checking to make sure! Sure enough their were no spots! So they drove down the road a ways parked and slept in their truck on the side of the road! Got up at like 5 in the morning went back to the campground! The campground already had a line of cars waiting to see if their were any openings for that day! Around 8 or 9 they finally let 3 cars ahead of Sam, her truck and 3 behind her go in and they were full! So we really lucked out that Sam and Scott were smart enough to go up Thursday night because we almost didn't have a place to stay! Thankfully my Mom had a feeling they were already up there and that is why they drove around the campground!
Anyways on to the fun! We set up camp and we already got right to relaxing!
Baylee getting familiar with our living arrangements!
I loved our campsite! It was big had a huge picnic area on the side of us! We had beautiful scenery and the weather was amazing! The only downside was this dirt that was like every where!
Baylee got right to the getting dirty part of camping!
Carter went on a hike with Scott and Sam while we set up camp!
Eating rocks! No big deal Mom!
Isaac trying to tell me no pictures! You'd think he would know me by now!
Taking a stroll with Grandma!
Carter hanging out with the guys!
A little stream and orchard by our site!
They loved being out of the carseats!
We had this beautiful orchard by us in bloom and towards the evening all the deer would come down and graze and eat! Carter thought it was so awesome how close they were!
Sam and I took the kids and walked over by the barn and horses! My kids really wanted to ride them!
They also have this little store and behind it they had this old car that I thought would be fun to get some pictures on!
Baylee didn't like her seat!
So I got Carterman! I wish I had a better camera!
Walking down by the river!
I love exploring new pictures!
Throwing rocks!
I love that my sister and her husband were able to come! It had been a while since we had seen her!
One of the many beautiful views!
This tree was pretty cool and had this cool knot in it that Sam was trying to help Carter climb up into!
Made it!
Playing frisbee and cooking up some dinner!
Nothing better then playing and getting dirty!
Beautiful spot!
More deer!
Going for a scooter ride!
The amazing chef!
Finally taking a break and eating some food!
Can't believe she is holding still!
So our dinner was one of the best yet! My Mom started dishing everybody up! We were eating and having a good time chatting! When I looked down at my plate and the word "three" written on my plate! I looked up and said I think we are using dirty plates mine has writing all over it! McKay looked up and said mine to it says "family", instantly I screamed and rushed over to Sam and gave her a huge bear hug yelling "Sam is having a baby, Sam is having a baby"! Sure enough my sister is having a baby and I couldn't be more excited! 
Everyone plates finally decoded! "We are becoming a family of three!"
Carter helping Isaac make a fire! My most favorite part of camping!
Also giving Isaac kisses! He really loves Isaac!
Carter decided to sleep with Isaac that night! Isaac told Carter if you get in the middle of the night just slap me! So we turned off the lights and it was pure silence when all of a sudden you hear a huge slap across a face and Isaac say "ow" and Carter laughing hysterically! McKay and I died laughing! I told Isaac kids hold you to what you say so next time maybe leave your face out of it!
Love these two!

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