Thursday, March 29, 2012

~Stairs and Black Eye~

So Carter has been able to climb the stairs for a long time now and has been able to go down with supervision for a little while but lately he has perfected his speed while going down them! It is the funniest thing to watch... concentrate on his legs!...
So Carter had his doctor's appt. on the 14th of this month so McKay and I headed to Cedar! Doctor appt. are already traumatic because they always give shots well it only got worse from there! As the doctor is talking to us Carter is just walking around the room to keep happy and busy as he is turning to come back to us he messes up his footing and nails his chin on the corner of the square metal garbage can! Then the lady comes in to give him shots! To say the least we leave with a very sad boy! After the appt. we go to Maurices to look around and waste some time and he trips over a shirt that fell on the ground and bumped his head then he is playing in the dressing room while I am looking around and bonks his head on the wall! Yes there is more... after he goes into the dressing room with me as I try on a shirt and trips again and hits his eye on the bench and it gets cut and immediately bruises! The day before that he had fallen on the cement and road rashed his nose and cheek! So here are some pictures of the poor kid on his to say the least rotten day!
This is his eye right after it happened!
 This is him later that night with his eye, scratched up nose and cheek and hurt chin!
This is him the day after when his eye was more blue and swollen!
This was a bad day but honestly he usually is always getting hurt because he is such a dare devil! He also thinks he is bigger than he really is! I guess thats all part of being a boy!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. My heart hurts for him. Poor boy. I bet Mommy is pretty sad too. Give him hugs and kisses from all of us. Kaitlyn is going to be so sad when I show her this post . . .
Be careful Buddy!

Kim said...

Poor thing. Good thing boys are tough ;)