Monday, March 19, 2012

Carter at 12 Months!

Well I am not quite 10 days late on this but late nonetheless! Carter is growing like a weed! He is clever, smart, tricky, spoiled, happy, funny and super fun! We can't get enough of him! He constantly has us laughing! We went to his 1 year appt. and he now weighs 22 lbs. and 4 oz. which puts him in the 42% so he iscoming down now! He is 30 1/2 in. tall which puts him in the 73% so came down a little! So he is still tall but not as chubby as he used to be! Also he has 4 teeth now! 2 on top and 2 on bottom! 
He likes to fold his arms for prayers, he LOVES to be outside! He will sit at the door and bang at it and whine because he wants to go outside so bad! he loves to hear his own voice! He loves treats and snacks! He loves balls... he likes throwing them, rolling them, shooting them and bouncing them up and down! Still loves the bath! he loves books! He is all over the place! He wants to move move move! He still will cuddle with Mom but it is getting to be lots shorter! He likes to go to the park and softball games! He has the cutest laugh! He loves to play with cars! He is always falling down and is definitely all boy!
He will do a penguin impression when you ask him by flapping his hands to his side! When he hears a dog bark he will bark back and loves to see dogs! He loves to go see the horses and chickens at Gma and Gpa Jones' house! He loves to play with cousins! He still loves my hair! He just stroke's his hands thru it! In fact sometimes he gets carried away and pulls way hard and yes I feel like I am losing so much hair I may be bald by 25 and it is all breaking off because of him! But it is really sweet and if I am ever holding him you will always see him holding my hair! He still loves stroller rides!
Carter ruling the household!
At SUU's training room before a Men's Basketball game helping Dad get ready!
Helping Dad clean up!
Very messy after eating an Oreo! He thinks they are very delicious!
Helping us clean by riding the vacuum!
Ready for church! Very Handsome!
New Carseat!
Loves his books!
Very good at keeping himself entertained!
Playtime at the park!
Throwing the ball around the kitchen and living room!
Swimming up at state basketball!
Founds Dad's toothbrush and loved the vibration on his gums!
Watching Basketball up at State!
Loves bathtime!
Still playing ball!
Our walking man!
Loves to hit the pool balls together because they are so noisy!
Found the formula dispenser and broke it open and loved kicking his feet and it flying everywhere!
Chilling with Uncle Isaac!
Love his blue eyes!
Ready to go outside!
We ate ribs for dinner one night and McKay gave him the bone to naw on and he loved it! He looked like a little puppy dog!
Still loves the iPad!
We love him and can't believe how fast he is growing up!


Unknown said...

Oh man, we love all things Carter! He is growing so fast. Wish my boys were closer so they could play ball together; Jake would love that!

Ricci Harvey said...

It's cute to hear about all the little things he likes, Sophie is still obsessed with my hair so don't plan on that getting better anytime soon.