Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Iowa Trip - Day 7 Omaha Zoo & Winter Quarters

We woke up first thing Tuesday morning and headed to the Omaha Zoo, it is supposed to be a pretty great one!
We started with the howling monkeys! The kids got a kick out of these guys and the funny noises they made!
They liked the parrot, especially being able to be so close!
They thought this animal was pretty hilarious! They said it looked like he had crazy socks on!
So happy we rented this stroller! Miles didn't want to walk and half way through neither did Camille! It was pretty dang hot and humid!
This was Miles first time to a zoo and he absolutely loved it! He thought it was so cool!
Watching them swim underwater was probably their favorite!
Next we saw the sharks, turtles and stingrays!
Carter matched the jellyfish!
They thought it was pretty cool that they "glowed in the dark"!
Miles and Owen
Next was elephants!
Petting zoo, they got to pet goats!
Carter and Baylee
Camille, Miles and Owen
Camille really wanted to see the tigers! She finally got to, she just wished he wasn't sleeping!
Next was the seals! The kids probably loved them the most! We sat under watching them swim for probably 20 minutes and they were giggling so hard! Miles thought it was so hilarious having them swim by and twisting and turning!
They were quite the show offs!
They had a waterplay/splashpad area for the kids! They were in heaven getting wet and trying to beat the heat! It was a pretty awesome area!
Carter and Owen
They were all soaked!
This whale was their favorite!
Drying off a little before we put shoes on!
Love these kiddos!
After the splash pad we headed to fill up our drinks and get some ice cream! With the humidity it was melting so fast! Miles was a bit of a mess!
The kids insisted on getting a picture with these animals! They all had quite the poses as well!
After the zoo we picked up some lunch from Popeye's and headed to the Winter Quarters Temple, we ate outside the visitors center! The kids were starving!
Winter Quarters Temple
The beautiful stained glass windows!
Winter Quarters memorial and story of how it came to be!
Such a ham!
Taking a break in the shade and taking about what the history of Winter Quarters
The names of those who died here in those terrible conditions!
I love how interested the kids were in the history of this place!
Camille wanted a picture alone! Right after this picture she realized there was a bug crawling on the sign and she totally freaked out! She hates bugs!
After Winter Quarters we headed to Sioux Falls where we got a hotel and stayed the night! McKay got a hotel with a water park in the center of it! The kids thought that was pretty awesome! The played all evening and then we ordered some pizza and while we waited for it we went and played the arcade games!
Owen and Miles
Carter and Baylee
Miles and Dad
The kids had a blast and then fell asleep hard that night! A great but exhausting day!

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