Monday, January 24, 2022

Iowa Trip - Day 5 Sunday

Sunday we got ready and went to Brett and Marisa's church, hung out at the hotel for a couple hours and then headed over to their house that afternoon to hang out and have dinner!
Camille and Kennedy playing on the tramp!
Abi and Miles chilling on the stairs!
The kids had a blast playing! It was so relaxed and fun!
Grandma Jones made delicious enchiladas!
After dinner Brett had a fun idea where the men would stand at the top of the hill and they would give the kids a count to 5 and then they would throw balls at them, whoever got hit was out and they went until their was one standing!
It was pretty hilarious!
We made smores!
Every night after we would get back to the hotel for the night we would get the kids to bed and then all the adults would go out into the hall and talk until way to late! It was the best! I love all McKay's siblings and spouses and we all have such a great relationship!

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