Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Owen Gunnar - September

This kid is as sweet as they come! He finally started pre-school on the 4th and was so excited!
He had Mrs. Tasha and told me he wanted to be a Football Player when he grows up!
So very handsome!
Walking in like a boss!
Mrs. Tasha sent this home a couple week in and this was his answers to the questions! I thought it was pretty cute!
He loves to snuggle with Mom and he gives the best hugs and kisses!
He loves to wrestle with Dad and pick on him as much as he can!
He loves being outside and helping with the chores!
Luna and him are best friends! I always catch him outside spending some time with her!
Rubbing her belly!
Giving a good talking to, a little eye to eye contact!
So exhausted he fell asleep mid play!
Just taking a rest after school!
He loves his super hero's!
Just a little boxing with his cousin Ellie!
So handsome!

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