Friday, October 11, 2019

Owen Gunnar - November

This kid is so sweet and so goofy!
Running into leaf piles!
Lunch with Mom and Dad for Dad's birthday!
He loves watching shows and movies! He can always sucker Dad into one!
So I walked downstairs and saw that someone had colored all over the wall so I asked the kids about it and Owen chimes in with I did it Mom, and proceeded to take me to all the spots he colored and said...
I colored here...
...and here...
...and here...
...and here...
...and here...
...and here...
...and here...
...and here...
...and I ended here!
He was so proud of his work and it made it hard to get mad at him!
Exploring the wash!
He must have gone through a growing streak because he was taking naps all the time!
Who needs to decorate when you can just lick the icing off the knife!
Love his sweet smile!
He is loving preschool if Dad drops him off but when Mom does he doesn't want to go! What can I say he loves his Momma!

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