Tuesday, October 1, 2019

...Grandpa Wallin's Hospital Visits...

This post is not one I ever wanted to do and hoped I would never have to. So that call I got on my girl's trip was from my sister on Saturday, Sept. 8th that my Dad was having a hard time breathing and my Mom called 911 and the ambulance rushed him down to St. George, on the way down he went into cardiac arrest around Mountain Meadow and they worked on him the whole way down. They stabilized him after they got to the hospital and admitted him to the ICU. His body took quite a toll and the Dr.'s weren't sure when and if he would wake up!
Kelli took me straight to the hospital where my Mom and sister were and caught me up. It was so hard walking into his room and seeing him like that! Things didn't change much Saturday or Sunday morning but by Sunday afternoon he was opening his eyes and trying to talk to us, so for a while we had to use a whiteboard to communicate with him! It was so good to have these small signs especially after all that he went through!
Asking Mom questions and he was actually apologizing for being so difficult!
My Mom is the most amazing woman I know! She has been taking care of  my Dad for so long and really has been by his side through all of his health problems! She never complained and she dropped everything to take him to Dr. appointments, which was a lot! The love she has for this man is incredible and I hope to be half the wife she is!
Spending our days talking and keeping Dad company! We were his biggest cheerleaders!
Some of Dad's best friends!
Breathing tube out, sitting up and talking! Making a great recovery, the Dr's said it was a miracle how fast he was getting better!
Swollen hands and arms!
Adam even came by for a visit!
Keeping his pillow close, it hurt to cough with all the broken ribs!
Many bruises from way too many pokes!
Blisters from the adhesive bandages!
He was doing so well he was discharged on the Thursday the 13th of September, on Friday he came with us to the football game at the high school, he had many good friends come say hi and he made sure to tell everyone how much he appreciated them! It is as if he knew it would be his last.
The next morning, Saturday, September 15, 2018 started out much of the same way as the Saturday before, he was having troubles and told my Mom to call the ambulance, once they got there and loaded him in, they basically worked on him the whole way down due to another cardiac arrest. This time it took them longer to get him stabilized but eventually did. My Mom, sister and I headed down pretty soon after the ambulance and we were all there waiting in the ER for word, once they finally came and got us they told us he was in serious condition and the nurses and Dr.'s were still working on him. Eventually they got him stable and sent him back up to the ICU. The next few days were full of all kind of emotions but the bottom line was he wasn't bouncing back like he had the week before, basically he was being supported by his breathing machine and they officially said he had no brain activity. Monday we basically prepared for the worst, we were waiting on a couple things from the Dr. but ultimately we knew he was no longer with us. 
Changing him to a long bed!
So heartbreaking to see a loved one like this.
Monday night the softball team came over and shared their love and strength with us. After they left we had a good talk about the possibility of what the next day might bring. We all had a good cry, good talk, lots of loves and special moments before we headed home to tackle the next day!
Messages from the softball team after their visit.
The next day the Dr.'s told us he would basically be like this for the rest of his life, he wasn't breathing on his own, he had no brain activity and his reflexes were gone. In that moment we called all the family down to say their last goodbyes. A moment I never wish upon anyone. We all knew in our hearts that he was no longer with us and it was the decision we needed to make. He needed to be back with his Heavenly Father doing His work on the other side. His body had been through enough over the years and he needed to be free of it.
Everyone getting in their last goodbyes.
Duane Gunnar Wallin passed away surrounded by his family on September 18, 2018
He was literally my best friend and I really thought I had him for a few more years!
Sweet messages from some of the lives he touched over the years.
I miss him everyday and it has definitely been one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through but I know he is in a better place free of pain.

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