Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Yellowstone - Day 3

This day we headed into Yellowstone, the country up there is beautiful!
Herd of buffalo right before the first geysers!
The geysers were incredible, the water in them was crystal clear and so so so blue! They smelled awful though!
Some were more mud bubble baths, they still smelled just as awful!
The weather was amazing and the kids loved getting out to check out all the geysers!
Lunch at the Old Faithful Lodge before it goes off!
Found a spot to watch Old Faithful! Getting the kids all excited for it to go off!
Pretty incredible!
Walking down to the geysers by the lake! Owen talked Isaac into carrying him!
More beautiful crystal clear geysers!
We did the lower loop of Yellowstone this day, it was all beautiful!
Love this family of mine!
Walking the boardwalk!
Deer sighting!
Mud pot!
Last hike of the day and it was a big one!
The kids were ready, hand in hand!
The hike down wasn't a big deal and the waterfall at the end was amazing!
So much water coming down the river this summer!
The boys doing a little climbing, Grandma wasn't a huge fan!
The canyon!
The huge waterfall!
Grandma was very nervous we were this close to the edge!
Beautiful views!
Making our way back up! The kids encouraging Grandma!
A lot of cutbacks!
He thinks he is the king of the world!
The last half of the crew making their way up!
Camille walking all over the place as we wait for the crew!
I wish our car would have made it to these ones but we had a mix up and they were probably the most beautiful and biggest ones!
Such a great day in the park!

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