Thursday, September 19, 2019

Camille Elizabeth - July

This girl is growing up right before our eyes! She is so sweet and lovable!
She broke her 5th tooth on the 20th!
Loves her Mom
She loves Grandma's cats and she is so cute man handling them!
She can say Carter and Baylee but still struggles with Owen! 
She loves her sleep!
She makes the animal noises for a cat, horse, dog, monkey, elephant, lion, pig, wolf and bear!
She loves walking around like a big girl!
She loves to grab the remote, hand it to McKay and says "show,puppy" and wants McKay to turn on Puppy Dog Pals.
She loves shows and watching TV with Dad!
She loves baths!
Looking so cute in her dress from Grandma and Grandpa from Hong Kong!
She loves to play outside and she loves Luna!
She started the month out drinking milk morning and night and about halfway through we went to just nights!
She loves her two fingers on her left hand and they are always in there!
Loving on her dogs!
She tries to repeat about anything we say but her main words are mommy, daddy, drink, no, side (outside), eat, show, puppy and many many more that I can't remember!
She screams so very loud but only when people are driving her crazy! Like when your sister or cousins try and pick you up when you want to just be walking around, or when your siblings take things away from you and when they hurt you!
Tired girl, couldn't even make it through dinner!
Helping Mom in the garden looking so very cute!
Tackling kids balloons because she wants them!
Her cousin Stockton and her act like twins! Most the times best buddies and occasionally enemies!
Love her cheeser smile!
Loves eating Dad's ice!
Just trying to be a big kid!
She is such a good addition to our family!

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