Friday, September 13, 2019

Baker - July

In July we headed to Baker with Kyle and Lisa's family, the water was much lower than in June! That didn't stop the kids from having a blast!
McKay and Lisa seeing how far they can walk out!
These silly boys didn't get to far but they sure tried hard!
Having races!
Treyson jumped out of the metal canoe and it tipped them all over and into the water! It was hilarious!
Kids swimming to shore while Kyle tries to rescue the canoe!
Camille just playing in the yucky mud and foamy water! Pure happiness though!
Baylee and McKinley!
Later in the month we went again with most the Joneses and it was even lower than!
Hanging out in the canoe!
The clan sitting and riding out the rain!
It came down hard for about 10 minutes!
Carter and Camille taking shelter under the tube!
McKay showing the kids how to skip rocks like a pro!
Owen is always the last kid in, he loves the water!
The older kids always love hanging out with Camille! They are always so good to watch over her!
Baylee, Max and Keltyn sloshing around in the mud!
Kaitlyn and Taya
Adults were just busy BSing
Owen just kept getting sillier and sillier!
The mud they were sloshing around in made it look like they had hooker boots on!
They crew going out!
Baylee trying to paddle back to shore!
Then she moved on to the kayak!
She maneuvered it like a champ! 
Camille trying to escape Dad and find more rocks to suck on!
Kyle, Lisa, Emilee, McKay, Lance and Beth
The older kids playing in the mud!
Mud sleeves and mud boots!
Oh she is cute!
She found more rocks to suck on!

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