Thursday, September 5, 2019

Camille Elizabeth - June

This girl has us all wrapped around her finger!
Hanging with some of her favorite people!
She does not like watermelon, but basically anything else we put in front of her, you'll eat! If she does hesitate eating it we put a little ketchup on it and you eat it right up, she especially likes ketchup on her eggs, ground beef and potatoes!
She loves taking trips on the canoe, she doesn't love her life jacket but she deals with it because she loves being on the water!
She loves loves loves her two fingers and ears!
She loves water, playing in the lake, pool, bath tub or sprinklers are her favorite places to be!
Cool girl!
She loves her sleep and usually goes to bed around 8:30 p.m. and wakes up around 8:00 a.m. and usually takes 2 naps a day! All we tell her is it's night night time, we take her to her bed and she sticks her two fingers in her mouth, grabs her ear and we close the door!
We love her chubby checks!
Sleeping with fingers in mouth and playing with her ear!
Stink bug!
She had her Dr. appointment this month and weighed in at 25 lbs. 6 oz. and 84th percentile, her height was 32 in. in the 91st percentile and her head was 18 in. in the 45th percentile!
Sleeping girl! So tired!
She finally started walking on June 4th only at 14 months old!
Snuggling the stuffed animals!
Telling Mom a story!
More food! She likes the food!
Watching the kids play outside!
Trying to be a good helper!
Walking around like a big girl!
She is so proud of herself!
Stealing Owen's drink!
Still a little wobbly!
She likes her new found freedom!
Just cruising around the house!

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