Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Owen Gunnar @ 7 Months

This kid is so fun and seriously the best baby! I can't believe another month has come and gone so quickly! 
He had his 6 month appointment on the 5th of November and came in weighing 17 lbs. 8 oz. in the 54% and was 27 in. tall and in the 69% and his head measured 17 in. in the 31%!
Owen still loves his sleep! He goes down for naps so easily! He will take to good ones in a day, like 2 hours, and a few cat naps anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes! He eats every 3 to 4 hours and will eat vegetables in the afternoon and cereal at night! He tries to copycat noises and sounds you make, he likes to grunt, likes to stick his tongue out! He has been blowing bubbles with his slobber and he screams just for fun! He is starting to reach towards people he wants and when he gets excited his body tenses up!
This month you especially like Mom and your fingers! Blowing bubbles with your lip and tongue! You love baths and sleep! You like to be able to sit up and play with your toys and you like to pull your socks off! You dislike Mom going out of view, being pestered by Baylee, not getting enough sleep and being sick! You are also trying to decided if you like vegetables of not!
Your favorite toys and games are the Alphabet Train, Sit-N-Stand Walker, any toys you can pick up and chew on! You love to play peek-a-boo and you try to put your hands over your eyes but still working on the coordination!
By the end of the month you are learning to crawl, you will get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth! Or you will get up on your hands and toes with your butt int he air like a plank! You are still trying to figure out how to get from your stomach to your back by rolling! Learning to pull yourself up to things, you will pull your self up but will usually fall due to unbalance or not enough strength!
All smiles and chub!
Always have those fingers!
You have been loving to stick out your tongue lately!
Flexing all your muscles!
Dressed so handsome for church!
Sporting your new outfit! We love us some Nike!
Trying to figure out where to go from there!
Always chewing on anything you can get your hands on!
Trying vegetables for the first time, peas to be exact!
Dad trying to show ya how to do it! Open Wide!
Not such a fan!
Playing with cousin Ellie!
Wallin cousins! Owen at 6 months, Joslyn at almost 9 months and Ellie at almost a year!
Sticking that tongue out again!
Trying peas again!
Taking a rest!
Love his beautiful blue eyes!
Turns in 360's on his belly!
Trying carrots!
Keeping entertained with your toys!
BYU fan through and through!
Such a cute baby if I say so myself!
Not happy about getting dressed up!
Playing out in the snow with Mom and the kids!
Not happy that he can't get to Mom!
Loves to play with this Sit n Stand Walker!
Playing in his jumperoo while the family racks leaves!
Ellie making herself comfortable!
Love to play with your toes! Seriously love your smile!
More planking!
Such a handsome boy!
Always wake up so happy from your naps!
Sweetest baby!
The ladies are gonna love you!
I mean how could you not?!

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