Tuesday, February 23, 2016

*Christmas Morning*

I love Christmas, but it got even better after I had kids of my own! They make Christmas magical, exciting, joyous, and to see that all come together on Christmas is my favorite! 
McKay and I were up way before the kids! We get pretty antsy waiting for them to wake up! McKay learned the on Carter's 2nd Christmas that you shouldn't wake the young kids up before they are ready! They don't enjoy it as much and are ornery most the day! So we waited, not very patiently! Finally at about 8 they finally woke up!
Carter waiting to open his first present while Dad gets the other kids theirs! 
Bay checking out her new couch with Owen!
So exciting!
Leap TV gaming system!
Owen doesn't know where to start! Opening his big present from Santa!
Bay opening her big present from Santa!
Carter opening his big present from Santa!
Owen kinda getting the hang of it!
Carter got the Paw Patroller!
Baylee got the Doc Mobile!
Owen got a car!
More presents!
Owen just wants his out of the box!
Carter wanted this present so bad! All it is, is an electric toothbrush, regular toothbrush, toothpaste and mouth wash! Ninja Turtle of course!
Owen loved the paper!
Carter trying to guess what was in his box, he was right, clothes!
More paper!
Sister being a big help!
Helping Owen open his presents!
Checking out their stockings!
Games for their Leap TV!
Carter's loot!
Baylee's loot!
Owen's loot!
Finally got Owen's car set up and Owen loves it!
Christmas Day aftermath not to bad yet! In the back towards the tree is McKay's loot!
Mom's new blender! SO excited!
Full day of play!
I love that they are sharing their new toys!
Merry Christmas! It was one of the best!

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