Monday, December 8, 2014

Baylee @ 18 Months

Baylee went in for a Dr.'s appointment at the end of October she weighs 23 lbs. 10 oz. in the 40th percentile, she is 36 3/4 in. tall and in the 100th percentile and her head circumference is 18 3/4 in. in the 79th percentile! She is tall and skinny!
Bay is starting to get more attitude! Now when we tell her "NO" of get stern with something she did she starts to full on cry, big tears and tries to get us to feel sorry for her and we go tattle on the parent that she thought was mean! She really hates to get in trouble! She loves her Grandma's, especially Grandma Wallin! She always wants to be at Grandma Wallin's house or with her! She loves to grab your finger or push you from behind to get you to go somewhere with her! She still loves to copy and follow Carter! She loves her sleep! She is eating a little better this month but still doesn't eat enough! We have found if she can dip her food in sauce it's better but a lot of the time she ends up just eating the sauce! She loves to play with kids but she also likes her time with Mom and Dad! She loves bubbles kinds obsessed right now, it doesn't matter if you are blowing them or they are in a bath or sink full of dishes! She also loves to help us do dishes when she sees us doing them! I am sure it's more because of the bubbles! She loves it when we leave the bathroom door open, because she will run in there and either open the drawer and find a toothbrush or q-tips of she stands on the stool and plays in the water! She is also a tease, sassy, independent, stubborn, whiney, silly and we wouldn't have her any other way!
She thought Uncle Isaac looked super handsome before his big date!
Crazy nap hair!
This is her hiding spot! When she is getting into trouble, or being silly or just to get away from everybody and just drink her milk!
Being a Ham!
More silliness!
More cuteness!
She loves to go go go!
She loves to be outside! We take advantage of all of our warm days!
This isn't the greatest pic but I love all her curly q's at the end of her hair!
Snuggling with Aunt Sam!
Cuddling with Dad and her teddy bear!
Helping vacuum!
She loves books! We read lots!
Love her sweet face!
Just playing around in her Halloween costume and playing cards!
Test run on the Halloween costume!
Put her in Grandma's living room to sleep and Sam's baby shower items were to close in reach I guess and when I went in to check on her this is what I found!
She loves her milk!
Grandpa gave her a lemon when we were out to eat and she loved it! In fact she wouldn't let it out of her hands!
We sure love this sweet girl!

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