Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pioneer Day~ 24th

We started out our Pioneer Day weekend with the Alumni baseball game the night before! McKay, Lance and Colin played and we had fun watching them whoop the high school team!
McKay up to bat!
He still has it!
Then that night we headed over to my Mom's to do fireworks and see Sam and Scott's gender reveal!
Carter and Baylee excited for the fireworks!
First McKay set off a few!
Baylee chilling with Uncle Isaac! He is seriously the cutest and best Uncle ever!
Next Sam gave McKay the firework to light that would announce whether it was a boy or girl! Scott and Sam had no idea what it was either it was a surprise for all of us!
It's a GIRL!!!
That was such a fun way to announce and we were all way excited and a little surprised!
The family watching the show!
The next day was Pioneer Day and we started out watching Kennedy run by our house in the Fun Run! She did so awesome and we were so proud of her! Bethany also ran but she did the 10K and I was in getting ready and missed her crossing the finish line!
Go Kenny Kat!
Almost to the finish line!
After the Fun Run we had to wake up our kids so we could make it to the parade on time! We were lucky to be able to sit by the Jones' and Wallin's!
Carter was so excited the cousins were there!
Baylee wasn't sure she liked Mom waking her up so she just chilled with Grandma Wallin!
Grabbing the treats!
McKinley and Carter sat by each other the whole time! Best Friends!
Max snatching up some candy!
Grandma Jones' Relief Society float! She made a very cute bumble bee!
Carter even got a otter pop this year and had to have it right away!
Carter thought this one was awesome because he loves the Kia Soul Hamsters! So when they were in our parade he was pretty ecstatic!
Still grabbing more candy!
Baylee still chilling with Grandma Wallin!
Best Friends!
Uncle Isaac in the scout float!
Carter had to wave to all the fire and police trucks!
My kids loved the parade and next we headed over to the rodeo grounds to watch some of our cousins participate in the Jr. Stick Rodeo!
Kaitlyn doing barrels!
It was pretty windy! Bay wasn't so sure about that!
Jake riding the sheep!
Carter and Talyn watching the action!
Kyle helping Kaitlyn secure her helmet!
Kaitlyn about to fall!
Treyson getting ready to hop on his sheep! He was the most excited I think!
Went the farthest to!
After the rodeo we headed over to the races! It is nice when you live right across the street and can just walk over!
Baylee just walking slowly along in her race!
Wasn't last place though!
Carter getting ready to race! Their were a lot more racers in this one then the one on the 4th of July! He really wanted to win again so we gave him a pep talk!
Sure enough he barley won by a toe! He raced so good and he was stoked to get another dollar! Way to go bud!
Next McKay was nominated to do the watermelon eating contest! He should have won but the changed the rules!
After all the races were done we headed over to the money dive! The kids were trying to be very patient but were very ready to just jump in!
Carter, McKinley and Kaitlyn!
Carter didn't care to get the money he just enjoyed the swim!
Just swimming around while all the other kids were going crazy for the money!
After we had some fun swimming we headed to Grandma Wallin's and both my kids went to sleep and fast!
Carter fell asleep on Scott!
Bay snuggled up with Dad!
They completely wore themselves out! After they woke up we went and got a snow cone!
Carter really enjoying his!
After snow cones we headed over to Grandma Jones' and ate dinner! It was very delicious!
The kid table!
After dinner and it got darker we did sparklers, fireworks and glow sticks!
Carter is always so mesmerized by his sparklers!
All the with their glow sticks!
The next day we went to the rodeo! We got there just in time for the chicken chase!
My handsome boys!
Beth, Kennedy and Grandma Jones
Baylee enjoying the Rodeo!
Jake relaxing, must be close to bed time!
After an hour or so at the rodeo we headed over to Grandma Wallin's and did more fireworks!
We had a very fun 24th weekend and always look forward to this time of year!

1 comment:

Shanley said...

Awww I love Sam's gender reveal idea. I bet that was so much fun. The 24th is my favorite time of year in E-Town!!