Friday, November 15, 2013


Carter is definitely full of life! He loves to be apart of anything we are doing, he loves to play, be silly, try new things, he is learning new things all the time and he surprises me everyday with how smart he is! Talking is finally coming along he still has a handful of things we don't understand but we love to see him interact with everyone lately! He hates shoes and socks! he will wear them but if he had a choice they would always be off! He is still an awesome eater and we still don't give him milk! His favorite meal of the day is breakfast! He has been pretty attached to Dad lately! He knows his letters and numbers and some colors! He loves to do things all by himself no help! He has the cutest laugh and the most contagious smile! He is getting to be funny we are constantly laughing at him! He is all boy! He is solid, not fat not skinny just solid! His white blonde hair is starting to darken up and it makes me so sad! I loved his white hair! He is the biggest tease and also has the biggest heart! He is constantly giving us all loves and giving Mom, Dad and sister plenty of snuggles!
Playing in the rain!
Pouring outside! We actually had a ton of rain in July and August and we were always playing in it!
Always finding him asleep in weird places!
Him and Dad are always doing silly things!
McKay sticking his head up Carter's shirt!
Tickle time!
Loves to play with cousins!
Loved pulling out the big water slide!
He has a new obsession with my camera and he is always taking pictures with it!
Hence his profile shot!
Feet shot!
Trying to get Z but got to excited!
Carter again!
Eating popcorn in Grandpa's wheelchair!
Thought he was pretty funny!
Loves going to the park! Loves being outside!
Not afraid of any big slides! The bigger the better!
Such a cutie! He has stolen my heart!
His favorite chip is cheetos! It seems it is always the chip he is choosing! Of course the messiest! We wouldn't have it any other way!
Loves to ride bikes! He won't pedal because kicking his feet on the sides is so much faster!
Loves to steal Isaac's headphones and listen to music or watch movies!
I love the little boy he is turning into! He keeps me on my toes and laughing and I wouldn't have it any other way!


Heidi Gardner said...

He is cute and smart!! You don't give him milk?? does he have an allergy?!

McKay and Amanda Jones said...

Their are a couple things it might be but we havent narrowed it down! But milk or things with a lot of milk in them affect him very badly!