Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Baylee @ 3 Months

I am a little OCD about journaling and having it be in order and not missing anything! So yes I am way behind and it may take me a while to catch up!
Baylee at 3 months! She is still sleeping through the night and takes awesome naps! She loves her sleep! She is still eating every 3 hours, 5 times a day! She is really starting to love her voice! She loves to get her hands out in front of her so she can see them then she will cup them together and they instantly go to her mouth and she will just eat them up and then we have drool everywhere! She loves to be outside, seriously she just gets so happy and almost just super relaxed! Went on our first big vacation! She loves stroller rides! She loves to be held and snuggled! She hates being feed late! Either right on time or early! She loves to watch Carter play and run around! Loves to play peek-a-boo! She giggled for the first time on July 13th and by the end of the month she was starting to giggle out loud a lot! Especially at Carter!
We don't have many pics this month because 2 of those weeks we were on vacation and I already shared those!
She is still so cute even when she is crying! Which isn't very often!
Snuggling with Mom!
Talking away! Loves to hear her voice!
Carter always has to run over and get in pictures with her!
Doing a little swimming with brother!
Playing with Dad!
Carter helping her play with her toys!
Snoozing at the park!
Chilling after church!
Cuddling with cousin AJ!
Aubrey loves to take care of Baylee and she is always giving Baylee the royal treatment!
Checking out the iPad with Treyson and Kayden!
She is growing up to fast!

1 comment:

Shanley said...

She is so beautiful! I am glad you are OCD about blogging! You will be so happy you wrote down all of these special memories :)