Sunday, August 4, 2013

...Day 16-20...

Day 16

Sunday May 12, 2013
So that morning we went to visit Baylee! The hospital had a cute card for me that had the cutest saying on it!
Carter walking around in Z's (Isaac) shoes before we headed to the hospital!
Eating treats with Dad while everyone got ready!
Arrived at the hospital to see Little Lou!
So we walked into her room and I looked into her bed and thought that is not my baby where did they pur her! I honestly thought they had the wrong baby in Baylee's crib because they had the right name tag! I felt horrible when I realized it was really her! I seriously about cried I felt so bad! What had happened was they had both tubes taped off to the same side of her face! When we got there that morning they had taped one on each side during the night and the tubes were pulling her nostrils so far off to the side it changed her whole look!
As you can see...
Poor girls nostrils I can't imagine that it felt good!
After everyone got some good visiting in we went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory!
It was good to spend some time with Carter knowing that everyone was leaving me again to go home and work! I hate this moment every time! I hated not being able to go with them, I hated being away from my boys and I hated being alone when I wasn't at the hospital! I seriously bawled for an hour after they all left me!
Outside the Cheesecake Factory!

Day 17

Monday May 13, 2013
Was uneventful! I spent literally all day there at the hospital! Doctor's were debating what to do with Baylee because they were hoping to pull out the Anderson tube but she still had so much output they were hesitant... but they couldn't figure out why she still had so much coming out!

Day 18

Tuesday May 14, 2013
Everything that was coming out of her Anderson they decided to IV it back to her in hopes that she would get the nutrients from it! Also the liquid that was coming out of the Anderson was milky so they thought the milk that they were feeding her was coming back up through the surgical site which is not what is supposed to happen because gravity should be pulling everything downwards! So they decided to do an live x-ray where they put a dye into her feeding tube and watch what it does and where the liquid is going! They noticed that it was going through as normal but a tiny bit was going back up through the surgical site! This told us 2 things... 1) milk was coming back up into the stomach which we don't want that and 2) her surgical site was widening enough for liquid to pass through which is really awesome!
Preparing for her x-ray! Not happy about it at all!
Finally back in bed sleeping! Happy about this!

Day 19

Wednesday May 15, 2013
This was a test day! The Doctor came in that morning and we talked about everything that needs to happen and that should be happening and what we hope to happen soon! He kept running through a few ideas... 1) take out the Anderson and see how she does! If she does well then great we can move to the next step and if she doesn't then we just put it back in! 2) Take out both tubes and hope for the best! Hope she starts eating fine on her own and things run through her system as they should! If that didn't work we couldn't put the feeding tube back in we would just have to feed her IV fluids! Or 3) keep both in and hope her output in the Anderson tube decreases!
He really racked his brain about what he should do and finally decided to yank the Anderson tube and see how she did! He left to talk with the Nurse Practitioner! The nurse then said well what should I do pull it or wait for the written orders from the Nurse Practitioner? Since protocol says wait for written orders! The other nurse in the room said just pull it the Doctor himself said do it! So they pulled it!!!
About 5 minutes later the Doctor walked back in and looked at Baylee and said "oh it's out"! Okay we will see how she does!
I guess when he went and talked to the Nurse Practitioner she had talked him out of it and he was on his way back to tell us not to do it!
Looks so different without the Anderson tube in!
So now is the test! How will she do???
One of her nurses got her this light up sing-a-long!
She loved it!
Couldn't quit staring!

Day 20

Thursday May 16, 2013
Her bandage also came off this day!
Sweet scar! Yeah!
Started really loving her fists! Found her hands!
Close-up of her scar!
She was doing really well with her Anderson out! She wasn't throwing up or gagging and these were all good signs!

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