Friday, January 4, 2013


We had a Great Christmas!
We are so blessed to have a great family on both sides and so blessed we get to be with both for the holidays! This year was great and unusual in that the whole Wallin family was together for Christmas! That has not happened in a while and it was so awesome to have us all together! Christmas Eve we got home and hopped into our Christmas PJ's that were in remembrance of Grandma Ferguson, so they had some extra special meaning this year!
The family room before it got to be a crazy mess!
Adam's kids being extra excited and a tad bit impatient! They wanted to go right away but their Mom was getting their camera ready! Love all those smiling faces!
This is about how Carter felt for the first 20 minutes of being awake! Not happy about it! Maybe we were a little excited for Christmas with him this year and maybe we woke him up earlier than he was ready!
The kids rushing into the family room to see what Santa brought!
Carter opening his first gift!
Carter can see it and started to get really excited to get it out fast! This woke him up and we had a much happier kid!
Saying cheese with his new Mickey Mouse choo choo train! I have to say he absolutely loves it!
Isaac opening his gift from Santa! Only thing he really wanted... he must have been a good boy! He got some "beats" headphones!
Carter's gift from Gpa and Gma Wallin... a Leapster Explorer! He loves this one just as much! He coulsn't figure out why everything was packaged up though!
Sam and Scott unwrapping our gift to them! They deserved much more those little knotheads!
Isaac testing out his headphones!
Carter got some cool new books! He is definitely my book boy! He loves to read books!
AJ playing with his race track!
Our gift to Isaac... an iPod case! BYU of course!
Sam and Scott got a KitchenAid! I think Sam was more excited even though Scott's face is priceless in this picture!
Aubrey getting it all on video!
The boys seemed pretty excited about their nerf guns from Carter... I don't know how their Mom feels about them though!
My kid is a smart whip if I say so myself! He has started picking up on letters in the alphabet, he probably knows at least 10 so what better then the Letter Factory from Leapfrog!
The Jones' got very spoiled this year! McKay got headphones for his Xbox, the new Black Ops 2 game, church shirts, socks and ties, shoes! I got new boots, another piece to my nativity, McKay and Carter spoiled me with Celine Diion tickets which I was stoked about... if anyone knows me I LOVE her! We got a new printer, dual portable DVD players for the car and to the whole family from the Toomey's we got a iPad mini... really Carter's if ya ask anyone ;)! Thanks Toomey's again! They really went to far! Love ya! You have seen most of what Carter got but he also got clothes, shoes, movies a Toy Story tent from Gma and Gpa Jones! Yes we got spoiled and the best thing about this Christmas... set aside all presents is being around family and see the pure joy and happiness radiating from the kids! Carter was so fun this year and I absolutely love watching him grow! The next best gift was finding out the a baby sister would be joining our family!
McKay's headphones!
Carter got a Tag Junior and loves that as well! He loves it when the dog says his name!
We are so very blessed! Thanks everyone!
Playing with Carter's new train!
He would just turn in circles in the middle as it went round and round! So cute to watch!
Starting the reveal! No one not even McKay or I knew what we were having! We did our ultrasound the Wednesday before Christmas and the Doctor wrote it on an envelope and put the pictures in with it! We went to Dillards and choose 2 outfits, a boy and girl, took them to gift wrapping handed them the envelope and asked them to wrap both and put a bow on the one we were supposed to open! then Christmas morning we would get a fun surprise!
Carter was really excited!
We couldn't be more excited!
Isaac with his gift from his girlfriend! She did good! She knows Isaac well!
Adam setting up one of the boys toys!
Carter and Dayne loved the train! If any of you know Mickey Mouse Clubhouse they have a show called the Choo Choo Express where the train they drive lays the tracks down as they go! Well this train we got does that same thing! It picks up the tracks and lays one ahead of the other and it just goes!
Carter and Dayne loved to follow behind it!
Carter scooting on his bum to try and catch the train!
Scott helping Carter race the cars on Tallon's race track!
Reading with his Tag Junior!
Aubrey letting him play her piano!
Dad helping Carter figure out his Leapster Explorer! Once he got the hang of it he always wants to play it now!
Carter literally tried every toy he got and loved them all! Santa did good this year!
Hope you all had a great Christmas! We sure did and can't believe we will have 2 next year!!! So excited!

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