Tuesday, January 29, 2013

~Carter's 1st Haircut~

So we finally decided to cut Carter's hair! It was getting really long so he had these bangs that hung in his eyes! To comb thru the back he would get all irritated because it was all tangled! It was a bittersweet moment for Mom but he still looks so handsome! Aunt Em cut his hair on January 5th, 2013!
Before the haircut!
Front, his bangs are hanging all the way down in his eyes!
At Em's sitting in her chair getting ready for the big event! We gave him the iPad hoping he would not scream as much! Well he didn't scream at all... this kid could have cared less about what Em was doing or not doing!
First cut!
After she cut the bottom she spiked the top up!
Crazy mohawk!
The only thing he hated was when hair would fall on the iPad or get on his hands! He really got bothered with that until we could get it off!
He needed to hold the brush himself so he could wipe the iPad off!
This part I thought hw would really freak but again didn't even notice!
Looking at himself in the mirror and he loves the new look!
So handsome! He looks so much older now!
Thanks Em!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute! I wish Aunt Em was here to cut Max's hair. I had his cut yesterday and I am having some serious regret . . . Not the best cut and now I am sad I messed with his fun, long hair.