Monday, January 21, 2013

...Carter at 22 Months...

Well we are behind on blogging! Our internet went down so I will hopefully be getting caught up soon!
Carter is still growing like crazy! This last month he has learned some more letters... he really loves letters and everywhere we go he will point out letters everywhere! On signs, billboards, pictures and just whatever! He loves to eat and really is a good eater... breakfast is his favorite meal of the day he loves it all but especially eggs! He is starting to say a few more words but if you aren't around him a lot or don't know his lingo you wouldn't understand him! He still loves Moms hair either playing with it with his hands or feet! Yes I said feet! He got his first haircut! It was starting to get so long it would get tangled up and was hanging in his eyes! He still is a tease, he is funny and fun, he is sassy and always making us laugh! He loves to make us laugh... he also loves to wrestle eith Mom and Dad or get tickled by us! He is my drinker! We have to wait to give him drinks when he eats or he will just drink and drink until he is full! He loves all his toys from Christmas still so it was a successful year of buying them... sometimes you never know! He loves to go to Gma Jones' and get babysat every morning! He loves to go on drives, to the park... he asks almost everyday... to bad it is so cold here! He loves cookies! He sleeps really well at night and loves his big boy bed!
He loves treats!
He loves to watch shows! Like Mickey Mouse, Little Einsteins, Agent Oso and many more!
He loves to play with cousins and cars or trucks or planes!
Dad and Carter all bundled up for this freezing weather we have been having!
Aubrey pulling him around on the blanket! He laughed the whole time he thought it was so awesome!
Still loves the iPad! I swear he doesn't sit infront of this or the tv all the time! We do limit his time!
Waiting for Mom to get ready for work!
Lounging on Dad!
Playing Gma Jones' piano!
Loves bathtime!
Loves his Mickey Mouse train!
Here he is sharing his treats with the train! Everytime it came around he would put a fishy cracker in the trailer!
He loves his tent!
He loves to play ring around the rosie in it and will always take his toys in there and pile them up!
Sharing so well with Dayne!
Riding Aunt Sam's shoulders! She is always so funny!
Loves to wash his hands!
...and face!
Lounging with the cousins! They were all trying to wake up!
Always finds the iPad! No matter where we hide it!
Carter has the iPad mini, Sam has the iPad and Scott has the iPhone! I think we got the i's covered!
Playing his Leapster from Leapfrog!
Eating some dinner with dad!
He thinks he is such a big boy! Has to do everything by himself!
Mr. cheeser!
Stretching his belly after a full meal!
He loves loves to read!
Loves to copy Dad!
Handsome haircut!
Visiting sister! We weren't going to get out because it was so cold but he started crying because we wouldn't! So we braved the cold! He loves to visit her!
All ready for church! So handsome!
He is getting big! We love this kid so much! He is so fun to have around!

1 comment:

Emilee said...

He looks so cute with his haircut!! I love it! I also love how McKay is on pinterest in the one pic!! That cracks me up! :)