Friday, June 22, 2012

~Vacation Day 1~

The Wallin Family minus Adam's family went on a super fun vacation last week and it was a much needed one at that! My grandpa and grandma Wallin actually gave us their timeshare points this year to use and we took advantage! So we stayed at the timeshare spot in Windsor, CA which is about 50 min. north of San Francisco! We have always done central and southern Cali so we decided northern Cali was the place to be this year... plus McKay and I are huge Giants fans so maybe we tried to persuade them a little! It didn't take much... my family loves to vacation and we really love to just go watch baseball games! We have been to all the MLB baseball fields in Cali minus the Giants and A's stadiums! So we had to complete the circuit... actually McKay and I have been to the Giants but not the A's so we were excited! We headed out Saturday morning the 9th for a long drive and crossing our fingers that Carter would cooperate and be able to handle it and he did AMAZING! I guess we warmed him up with all our traveling last summer! We obviously made some stops to let Carter and Grandpa stretch and to feed the starving!
Here is one stop out in the middle of nowhere Nevada where we decided we better gas up because we didn't think we would make it to the next town before we ran out! They had this cool horse Carter really enjoyed with no pants!!!
 Here we stopped in Sacramento to eat before the last 2 hours of our trek! Here we are trying to get Carter to race to prepare him for the races this summer! But 4 feet before he gets to the end where Mom is he turns around and backs up into us and gets ready to go again! It is the most funny thing to watch! He won't just run thru  he always backs up into you!
So here he is backing into Scott!
 Isaac and McKay chilling while we let Carter run for a while!
More to come...

1 comment:

bliss' said...

FUN FUN FUN I love to vacation! But I do have to say you and your parents have been to the Angles stadium just not as a family!