Monday, June 25, 2012

~San Fran Day 4~

So this day started out a little rough for Carter but he is tough so was fine after he took a quick cat nap! We were getting ready to spend the day in San Fran so McKay filled up our ice chest with drinks and ice and decided that he would let Carter take a ride on top of the ice chest on our way out to the car! What could go wrong right???
Haha well here is how the ride started! Nice and very fun for Carter!
It ended in a bruised forehead and scratched cheek in two places! McKay had stopped to open the trunk of the car and Carter leaned foreward and didn't let go of the handle and face planted into the asphalt! Poor kid it sounded so bad and he was so sad! This picture doesn't do it justice it looked so much worse in person!
Scott and Sam at an overlook of the Golden Gate Bridge! What a super cute couple! :)
The crew!
Each picture Carter's face just keeps getting worse!
Stylin' Carter!
Overlookin' the Bay!
From left to right: Alcatraz, Oakland, Bay Bridge and San Fran!
Loving on Daddy while walking around Fisherman's Wharf!
Looking at the seals on Pier 39!
While we were walking along Fisherman's Wharf this couple stopped McKay and asked if they could hold Carter and take a picture of him! So we let them! It was because of his blonde blonde hair and blue eyes! It was the most funny thing ever! This is my best picture of it!
Alcatraz in the background!
Cool Dudes taking a rest!
Carter watching the seals!
More cool dudes!
Riding on Gma W's shoulders!

There were 3 of these guys as we were walking down the bay! Carter couldn't quit staring!
After a long day on the bay we headed to the Giants game! We had to get Carter all suited up! Absolutely love this picture! Go POSEY!!!
Chillin at the Giants game with Aunt Sam and Uncle Scott!
Beggin Gpa to let him out!
In about the 8th inning all these birds swarmed in! I couldn't believe how many they were! Carter was way into it!
Gma W, Carter and Mom! Carter was very tired at this point!
Giants WON! Go GIANTS!
My favorite boys!!!
We love this baseball field! One of our very favorites!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun vacation. Love all the pics. Poor Carter. Hope his bruises have healed.