Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Tropic - June

The middle of June we headed up to Tropic to camp, we reserved the group spot at the campground and it was a great location with everything we needed right there! Plus we were away from everybody so we could be as loud as we wanted!
We had grandma's trailer and McKay and I's tent! The weather was great, got a little nippy at night but not to bad!
The first thing the kids always want to set up is the hammocks!
Stockton, Emma and Camille
Baylee and Ellie
Carter untangling the balls from ladder ball so we can get some tournaments going!
Owen always loves pestering this kid!
Preparing dinner! Grandma is the best cook!
We had a nice little set up in the shade!
Hotdogs and potato salad!
Miles was thrilled to be getting some real food!
After dinner we got some warm clothes on and got the fire going!
Roasted some mallows and made some smores!
I sure love this gang and how they are always down for an adventure!
Even if the kids outnumber the adults!
This kid took a little nap in the tent before we headed to go hiking at Bryce Canyon
Beautiful Bryce Canyon
Love this family of mine!
Mr. Owen is always down for an adventure and is always such a trooper!
Camille loves being with everybody so whatever we do she is down! Occasionally she asks to get on Dad's shoulders!
Carter likes to explore and adventure but once he feels like he has seen it all he is done and wants to go back to the car!
Baylee loves to go and do but she also likes to complain so it is always a toss up what we are going to get!
This little boy loved being outside!
After hiking we headed into the town of Bryce Canyon and stopped to get lunch and then we headed to get ice cream before we headed back to camp!
Camille's been a bad girl!
Carter and Baylee! Love it!
Stockton, ride like the wind!

Carter who really deserved to be in jail!
After we got back to camp we headed down to the reservoir to canoe and play in the water!
The water was a bit chilly but it was fun to paddle around!
Miles chilling with Gram!
Come of the kids got brave and played in the water for a little bit!
Camille, Stockton and Ellie
Owen and Carter got in also! They eventually were freezing and all wanted to be wrapped up in a towel!
Isaac got his raft blown up from Christmas and took him and the kids out on the water!
They all had a blast!
After swimming and canoeing we headed back to camp to make dinner and get warmed up!
Miles loves his pack n play full of toys!
Dutch oven potatoes and chicken for dinner! YUM!
The next morning we had pancakes and eggs for breakfast!
Grandma always feeds us really well!
Miles loved being a big boy and sitting up in his highchair!
He kept begging everybody for food!
Ms Em
After dinner we cleaned up and headed home! It was such a fun camping trip! So happy we could go and get away from all this Covid stuff!

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