Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Random - Oct.-Dec.

Isaac carved watermelons and pineapples with his girlfriend! Keeping his mission tradition alive!
I was pulling into the post office where we live and a guy started backing out and didn't see me! He nailed the front passenger side pretty good!
Luna trying to make friends with the cat!
The kids thought it was awesome watching Grandpa burn all the weeds in the backyard flower beds!
Snow! First white out of the year!
Stockton's birthday was full of exploding things!
His Mom exploded a watermelon!
His volcano cake was exploding!
These are all the toys the kids choose to donate before Christmas! I was so proud that they were so willing to give up some of the ones they loved for other kids who might not have as much!
Isaac seeing temple square with his girlfriend!
McKay and I made a quick trip to California to watch one of our old athletes play volleyball at her opponent's college! We left on a Friday morning in October while I was 36 weeks pregnant! Ronnie played Friday night and she played awesome! After her game we met her at her college and we took her out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory! We talked forever and it was a really awesome night! We had a blast!
Saturday morning we woke up and headed home!
My Mom and brother were able to go visit my Grandpa Wallin before he passed away! I was so sad we couldn't get up there and see him!

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