Thursday, October 15, 2020

Christmas Morning

Carter was up at the butt crack of dawn! McKay and I are okay with that because we get as excited as the kids, to see them open up presents and see their excited faces! Camille may have still been half asleep!
We try to go one at a time so it extends the morning longer and we all can be excited for the person opening their presents!
So Camille got to open the very first present!
She was so cute about opening it! She would slowly tear off one piece at a time!
Owen was a little faster but still wasn't really in a hurry!
Baylee wasn't very fast but she tore off big chunks or wrapping paper instead of small pieces like Camille!
Then there is Carter and he is ripping through the paper as fast as he can!
He also gives the best facial reactions!
Isaac and Grandma Wallin came over to watch the kids unwrap presents!
They had presents from Santa, siblings, Mom, Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Jones
Dad helping finding and hand out presents!
Isaac helping Camille get her skateboard out of the box! She was so happy she got it, she went right downstairs to ride it and didn't even want to open up her other presents!
The kids loved helping open Miles' presents!
The Jones family got a Nintendo Switch to share! They were pretty stoked about that!
Carter's Loot!
Legos, Remote Control Car, Pokemon, Books, Harry Potter Wand, Movie, Shoes, Clothes and a Switch Game
Owen's Loot!
Bike, Skateboard, Legos, Pokemon, Remote Control Car, Harry Potter Wand, Movie, Shoes, Clothes, Books and a Switch Game
Baylee's Loot!
Instant Camera, Backpack, Game, Art Supplies, Movie, Jump Ropes, Harry Potter Wand, Shoes, Clothes, Hatchimals and Switch Game
Camille's Loot!
Backpack, Skateboard, Olaf & Sven, Books, Art Supplies, Movie, Barbie, Shoes, Clothes and Switch Game
Taking a rest by Miles
It was an eventful morning! Wore these 2 out!
Miles' Loot!
Diapers, Wipes, Clothes, Binky and DJ Panda
We put the Switch with him but it is everybody's!
Such a fun Christmas morning surrounded by the people we love!
Now to play!

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