Friday, October 2, 2020

Miles Duane - Newborn

October 25, 2019 - November 24, 2019
We have loved having this little boy at home with us! Their is just something about having a newborn in your home that fills your walls with such love! Seriously though we are all obsessed with Mr. Miles!
First off Baylee is in LOVE with Miles! She loves holding him, taking care of him and always wants to be by him!
She holds him like a pro and she is the biggest help!
Miles had a rough couple nights at home after we got home from the hospital but eventually he got the hang of things.
He sleeps lots and only goes about 4 hours between feedings at night!
His bili kept climbing up the charts so they sent lights home that we kept him on but eventually they admitted us a night up in the Cedar hospital where he was on them and twice as many overnight!
Camille loves to hold you as well! She gives you the sweetest kisses on your head!
His nose is the cutest thing ever!
He eats every 3 hours and about 5-7 minutes on each side!
He gave me his first real smile and I was in heaven!
Wide awake!
He grunts a lot!
Waiting to get set up on the lights at the hospital!
His fuzzy dark hair!
He had lights under him, over him and he actually laid in their better than I thought he would!
Camille and I hung out eating snacks and watching tv!
You can see how dramatically high he got and then dropped really fast! So they were able to send us home!
Sunglasses line from where the bili lights didn't get his face!
So funny and cute!
He loves to hold his head up but because he is still strengthening his muscles in his neck he bobs all around!
His arms are always above his head!
He likes being held!
Miles and Grandma Jones
He likes sleeping on Mom's chest!
His first Halloween and he was a skeleton!
He loves to be fed on time!
He dislikes taking baths!
He dislikes getting lotion on!
He dislikes getting dressed!
He dislikes being startled and mauled by the kids!
Look at his perfection!
We all fight over holding him!
I feel he has his own look!

He hates to be swaddled at night!
Owen and Miles
Camille loves to touch him! Whether that's holding him, touching his head, trying to get his ears or laying by him she wants to be right there by him!
Baths with sister!
Using Camille as a pillow!
I wish I had more time to snuggle him and hold him but I feel with the other 4 kids I set him down a lot so I can do other things and that's been hard for me! I want to be able to just sit there uninterrupted and snuggle!

Already growing out of the newborn clothes!
He loves laying in the boppy!
He spits up all the time and so much! We go through 5 or 6 burp clothes a day and sometimes change an outfit or two!
He is starting to be more alert and awake for longer periods of time!
He is trying to tolerate the bath!
Looking so cute in all his brothers hand me downs!
Fell asleep having tummy time!
Finally snuggling Mom!
Such a sweet sleeper!
Apparently he is done with the day!
She is always so proud to hold him!
Everyone always wants to hang out on Mom's bed and be by Miles
Always got to have the burp cloth close!
Baylee, his second Mom
Always has the head tilted!
I mean really though, how can you not want to stare at this all day!
Carter getting in a few snuggles and holding him like a big boy!
Seriously everyone just loves the heck out of this little boy!
On Nov. 7 he had his 2 week Dr. appointment!
He weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz., 62%
Height was 21.75 in., 87%
Head was 14 in., 22%
By the end of November you are going to bed about 9:00-10:30 p.m. and waking up anywhere between 4:00-5:30 a.m.
I love little baby hands!
For awhile there he would take naps in my room on my bed propped up on the boppy so if he spit up he wouldn't choke! He took some great naps there!
By the end of November you have found your hands and love sucking on you thumb knuckles!
You are starting to smile back when family talks to you! You still get startled by loud noises!
Starting to fill out!
You grunt a lot and you are starting to coo!
Stockton taking a turn!
Frog pose!
Uncle Isaac likes his baby cuddles!
This month you especially like Mom talking to you, Mom holding you, being warm and sleep!
Milk drunk!
He looks a little worried to be with miss Millie!
We love watching your eyes light up when Mom talks to you!
Loves from Grandma!
All dressed and ready for church!
Starting to get some baby acne!
Sunday naps!
Talking to grandma!
We seriously are so in love with Miles! He has us all wrapped and we are so happy he is apart of our family!

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