Friday, October 23, 2015

Owen Gunnar @ 2 Months

I can't believe this cutie is 2 months old! Why does the baby phase have to go by so fast?! He has such a sweet personality and is the best baby ever! He loves to sleep and eat, I mean what more could a baby want! He grunts all the time and especially when he is sleeping! His arms and legs move constantly! He smiles all the time and is seriously so happy! He likes to watch the noisy kids and he love to be held! He loves baths and getting lotioned up! He does not like it when brother and sister are rough, they are still working on being soft! He loves when Mom sings, he loves his bouncer and is starting to try out the Bumbo! He is starting to find his fingers and bring them to his mouth now! He is so cute and so sweet and we are so happy he is apart of our family! 
Not happy about Mom taking his picture!
Still so little!
Happy 2 months!
Snuggling with Grandpa Wallin
Sweet baby boy! 
Enjoying being home with Mom and the two rowdies!
Enjoying being outside!
Looking so handsome!
Testing out the Bumbo!
All wrapped up!
Trying out the wrap!
Taking a nap with Grandma Wallin
Watching tv with Dad!
Loves sleeping with his hands above his head!
So peaceful!

First swim!

Staying in the shade while Mom and Dad play tennis!
He is loved!
Owen and Ellie 5 months apart and best buds already!
Carter absolutely loves Owen! He takes care of anything he thinks Owen needs and anything Mom needs!

First stuffed animal!
First time at the beach!

Meeting new cousins!
Kennedy and Max
Ellie didn't like Owen stealing her Mom!
Loves bathtime!
Such a smiley boy!

Enjoying being outside!
Seriously the happiest baby ever!

Meeting Quinny!
Madden and Owen 5 weeks apart!
Kyli and Owen!
Still smiling!

Owen, Joslyn and Ellie
Owen is 2 1/2 months younger than Joslyn and Joslyn is 2 1/2 months younger than Ellie

Joslyn, Grandma Wallin and Owen
Sweet boy!

Owen and his GIANTS dog Buster!
Sleeps anywhere!

Our little Ninja Turtle!
Best helper!

Yes he really got chunky this month! 
Snuggling with Grandma Jones!
We sure love this boy! 

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