Saturday, June 15, 2013

~Our Long Awaited Care Package~

On Thursday April 25th my Mom, McKay and I headed to the University of Utah! We had set the induction day  a few weeks back for that night at 8:00 p.m.! We left Carter with Grandma Jones and he didn't even know we were gone he had so much fun!
We arrived right at 8 they took us back to our room and I got in my gown, put the belly band on to hold the monitors in place, McKay got familiar with the tv and WIFI and my Mom started reading! We were prepared for a very long night and morning... based off my other 2 inductions we were banking on about a 12 to 15 hour labor! We sat around for a long time before they started anything which was really annoying but we managed! Finally at 11 p.m. they started pitocin and every hour they would up the dose! Around 4 I got an epidural because I was only to a 3 so I figured we had a long way to go! If I thought I would have a 4 hour labor I would not get a epidural but I am no that lucky! The epidural I got this time was so much different than the ones I have recieved at Intermountain Healthcare... they put it in different and it numbed different areas and I think I actually like the epidural I got at the U of U better! It took the edge off my back and abdominal labor pains but I could still move my legs and when it was time to deliver I could feel everything through the birth canal... so I could feel when I needed to push and I could feel her coming down and all the pressure that comes with that and it hurt I won't lie!
Around 8 they came in and checked me I was only at a 4 so I basically felt this was going to last forever! After the nurse left I felt like my water had broke... it was only slightly trickling and it only lasted about 10 minutes but shortly following that I started to have a lot of pressure I called the nurse in and told her I felt I needed to push she said she would go get the other nurse I swear 30 minutes later after feeling I was going to die they finally came in to check me the first nurse checked she said a 7 1/2 and then the second nurse checked and said "No, she is at a 10, we are ready to have a baby!". So from 8 to 9 I went from a 4 to a 10! They quickly called in the staff for delivery and the doctor and we get ready to push! I pushed longer with her then I did my first 2 kids but it still wasn't very long! After the first push my water completely broke and my Mom said it was like the dam broke it all just came pouring out! It felt incredibly weird! When she finally came out the doctor immediately took her and passed her off to the NICU team! The cool thing about our room is that it had a window that when opened you were looking into the NICU! This room is for situations such as the one we were in when the baby would need to be taken right away! I got to see her for about 30 seconds while McKay cut the cord and off she went! My Mom wasn't even able to get any pictures!
They call the window the "Drive Up"!
The window open after they passed her thru!... and I waited and waited and finally heard her sweet cry!
Baylee Lou Jones arrived at 9:56 a.m. on Friday April 26th!
She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long!
Her middle name is after her Grandma Great, Betty Lou Ence!
After they took her I told McKay and my Mom to go with her I was fine! So they left! I slightly tore but not bad enough to stitch me up! I was feeling really well!
When my Mom and McKay got back they said they drained 125 mL of fluid from Baylee's stomach and that she had a tiny mouth, long fingers, long toes and long skinny feet! They put a tube in her mouth to continue to drain the fluid from her stomach! Gave her an IV in the hand and from here we were to wait until the Life Flight team could transport her to the PCMC (Primary Children's Medical Center)!
Her long toes!
Took a binky really well!
Yes the board says 19 inches that is what she originally was measured and no one could believe it looking at her so they remeasured her and she was at 21 inches which looked right!
With her condition she is not able to eat so she got IV fluids and lipids to give her a satisfied feeling and all the build up in her stomach was suctioned out from the tube in her mouth!
Before they transported her over to PCMC they stopped by my room so I could finally see her! It is so hard to give birth and not be able to see or hold your baby immediately! She was in an isolete they opened the door and I couldn't stop holding her hand and they finally let me hold her! After about 10 minutes I was getting dizzy so they put her back and McKay and my Mom went with them to PCMC!
The nurses brought me some lunch I wasn't up to eating so we packed up our things and they transferred me over to the Mother's Unit! An hour or two later McKay and my Mom finally came back to get me and take me over! So finally after my 10 minutes with her I was going to finally be able to be with her for a while!
Holding my sweet Baylee!
I hated all the cords and wires but I knew it was something I would have to get used to!
All these pictures make her look so chubby but she is so not! She is long and skinny with all these petite features and a concave belly!
She has some weird ears but they are a very cute weird! Both sides have that little notch on the top!
This was her bed spot #16 at PCMC! They made her a cute sign and drew her a cute ballerina!
She already has Daddy wrapped around her finger!
Notice the bruise on the top of her head! Battle wounds from delivery!
Meeting Aunt Sam for the 1st time!
Awake for Grandma Wallin!
Getting her cares done which they did every 3 hours! It included getting her temperature, changing her bum, measuring her girth(belly), switching her oxygen monitor to the other foot and emptying her Anrderson tube which is the tube that sucked the contents from her stomach!
We Love This Girl!
We then went back to the U of U were my Mom and sister brought back Pei Wei and it was so delicious! At this point we were not sure when surgery would be they were still deciding a plan of action!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pei Wei, love it! :)
And I love this sweet little girl even more. I wish I could meet her. She has a fighters spirit, like Max, but they will need it in the world the have to live in.
Good job momma!