Thursday, June 20, 2013

...Day 1-3...


Saturday April 27th
Today I was anxious to go see our little Girl! I was still at the U of U and McKay had stayed with me that night! We headed over to PCMC and spent somw time with her! While we were there she had an ultrasound done so they could have a better look at her and then hopefully figure out a surgery date!
Getting her ultrasound!
Being a perfect little patient!
This day is the day they decided to do her surgery on Tuesday April 30th because she wasn't a emergency! I don't know that at the time I was very happy about it but I got over it and we waited patiently! Later that day Grandma Jones and Kelli drove up! I was so excited to see Carter and even more excited to introduce him to his sister!
First family picture!
Carter thought she was pretty neat! He really loved all the babies there he kept saying Hi to all of them!
Then Grandma Jones came in and I didnt have my camera at that point so I missed a picture with her and Baylee! Then Aunt Kelli came in!
Baylee and Kelli!
The rule is only 2 people can go back at a time one of those always being Mckay or I unless they are grandparents they can go with out McKay or I! You always have to scrub down in the washing room from elbows down for 3 minutes! After we visited and took turns seeing Baylee we headed back to the U of U so I could gather my things and get ready to be discharged!
Carter in my bed watching some tv!
After we got discharged we headed to my Aunt Nancy's house where we stayed for a week and then I continued to stay for 4 more days so I could shower and clean up! We then headed back to the hospital!
As you come in the South Entrance of PCMC there is this display that Carter loved becuase it had a train and dinosaurs and we always had to make a stop here for him! 

Day 2

Sunday April 28th
We headed to the hospital and I had to get a picture of her cute ears and hair! Her hair was long on the sides and short and fuzzy on the top!
Love my kids!
This first week McKay and Carter were with me we would put him to sleep in his stroller so we could go back in because he never lasted long when he was awake so Carter ended up having a lot of naps like this next to sisters bed while Mom and Dad visited her!
My Mom headed home this day so she could get a day of work in!
Later that day we headed back to my Aunts house and played with Carter outside on the swing set! We really enjoyed the weather up there!

Day 3

Monday April 29th
So the rest of this week we would do something in the mornings/early afternoons with Carter and spend the afternoons and evenings with Baylee! Except for the day she had her surgery!
So Monday we decided to go to Chuck E Cheese and we were really disappointed so we rode like 3 rides and headed to Jungle Jim's and it was so much better!
Riding a monster truck!
Pretty bored!
Finally we went to the more Carter approved rides! He was hesitant at first but warmed up quickly and then he never wanted to leave!
Riding the airplane with Dad as he was warming up!
Loved this ride! Jungle safari on a jeep!
Riding the airplane by himself!
Riding the roller coaster with Mom it went frontwards and backwards and Carter loved this one to!
Drinking from the lion!
Afterwards we had to get ice cream! He loves loves loves his ice cream!
We then went to visit sister and during shift, which is from 6:30 to 7:30 and nobody is allowed not even Moms or Dads, we found a park to play at until we could go back!
Playing hopscotch!
That afternoon they told us she would probably be on the bili lights because her count was slightly high mainly because she wasn't able to poop it out which is how you get rid of jaundice! So when we got back that night she was on the lights and wasn't loving it and neither did I because I couldn't hold her!
This night my Mom also came back up so she could watch Carter while we waited for Baylee in surgery! She was an amazing help and I loved having her around!


Portia said...

What a crazy time! You guys look so good and happy though =)

Unknown said...

Nice. Looks Crazy. Aaron Emmett