Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Update on the Jones'

Well let's see I guess I better start off with the question that everyone always asks... Does McKay have a job???
No not yet!
But... he has had a meeting with a few guys from IHC and the high school up here in Enterprise have been trying hard to get him a job here being the Athletic Trainer for the school! The high school is all set we are just waiting on IHC! It may only be a part time job... but that is alright with us because right now we just need experience... no one else will hire him because he doesn't have experience! Who knows maybe after a year or two here there will be a full time job open or maybe he will get that experience and someone will finally want to hire him! Everyone is just missing out because he is the best Athletic Trainer out there!
In the meantime McKay has been working out on the farm in the mornings and then comes back for football practice in the afternoons! So he is helping coach the High School football team and has been loving it and also "volunteers" his athletic training knowledge until hopefully will get the okay we are waiting for!
I have been working part time at the highschool in the mornings! My schedule has worked out really great with Carter! In the afternoons I get to play with Carter and get some big projects done around the house while Carter takes his nap! We have got so much done but I feel we have so much more! Currently we are trying to tackle putting in my parents backyard... it's BIG! I am also helping with the little league soccer program and also coaching a team! Games haven't started yet so hopefully everything goes smoothly!
Carter is still as silly as ever! He loves to be outside! He loves his Mom and Dad and lately he doesn't want us to leave his sight! But thank heavens if we do he is over it pretty quick and can adjust to whoever he is with! He is a busy body and lately has been climbing on top of everything! We are also getting ready to move him into another room... living with my parents we have always had to keep him in our room because their havent been enough rooms for him to have his own... all 5 bedrooms have been occupied! Well with my Grandma going back up north and my sister moving to Blanding we have decided to move Isaac to Sam's room and Carter into Isaac's room! So we are trying to get both rooms transitioned and then Carter will finally have his own room! I know you are thinking my heck he is almost a year and a half and he is still in a room with us! Well we had to make due with what we had and it has actually worked out so well! He is a great sleeper, he sleeps in his own bed all night and we never bother him and he never has bothered us! It's worked for us! In fact I think it will be so weird when he isn't in there any more! He still loves to scream and he loves loves loves to make people laugh or to be the one laughing!
We have loved this school year so far! It has been so fun for us! Football is one of our favorite sports to watch! With Isaac playing and starting on the Varsity football team and McKay helping coach we have been to every football game and it is so fun to watch! Carter has loved going to the games to! In fact when I tell him it's game day he gets all excited and wants to go over right away!
Life is busy and we are loving every second of it!

1 comment:

Emilee said...

He's such a cutie!! :) It will probably be harder for all 3 of you to move him!