Thursday, September 27, 2012

Carter at 18 Months

Yes we are really late getting this one up! Our computer has been down and it's been driving me crazy! Carter is a complete joy to have around! He always has a laughing and he is learning so much each day! He has a very sassy personality and we love it! I think he learned that sassyness from his father! He has been getting loads of teeth coming in all of a sudden and it's been sad because he has been getting so sick... it breaks my heart when he is sick! It's hard for him to tell me exactly what is wrong so I don't feel like I help like I should! We had his 18 month check-up... his stats are: 27 lbs. in the 66th percentile and  heighth he os soaring at 35 in. and in the 98th percentile! But with being sick he is back down to 24 lbs.! He is skinny and tall! He loves to say prays and read scriptures at night and helps us read a sentence and claps when he is done!
He loves Uncle Isaac
He loves treats!
He loves to go and watch Uncle Isaac play football... we look forward to football friday all week!
He loves to wrestle with Dad and Cosmo!
He loves to walk around with no pants and shoes on!
He does not like to get dressed after bathtime!
He loves to play the drums!
He loves Gator rides and here he is mad at Dad for stopping so I could take a picture!
Loves to hit balls of his tee! Especially wearing no pants and his nursery hat!
He is my lounge lizard!
Loves to wear everyones shoes!
Stud! Love that smile!
Walking around in Mom's shoes!
Loves to stick his feet thru his crib! I find him sleeping like this all the time!
Giving elephant hugs in his sleep!
Loves bathtime and especially laying on his tummy kicking his feet!
Getting into trouble look!
Loves reading books!
Loves the iPad and loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
Lounging and watching Isaac play some football!
Cuddling up watching Isaac play!
Watching volleyball and eating a cookie with Aunt Em!
Snuggling with the clean laundry!
Watching Isaac play with Aunt Em!
Really wanting to jump in the puddle but we are saying no!
Loves to ride on the tractor with Dad!
Loves being silly with Dad!
He is my best eater ever! But today he was to tired to eat! First time falling asleep in his highchair eating!
He actually fell asleep with a piece of food half way to his mouth! Poor Kid!
Trying to find him a big boy bed while driving around in the taxi!
Uncle Lance got him to eat a lemon! Wasn't to sure at first but kept trying it!
Watching tv! Loves the tv!
We were supposed to talk him on a walk but he wanted to push!
Trying a mohawk on the kid!
It automatically curled to the side so it looked more like a pretty girl hairdo!
Loves to pretend to play the computer!
Being silly with Gma W!
Anytime I take out the camera he comes running towards me so he can take a picture! I rarely get them anymore!
Loves riding his train around!
And last but not least he now knows how to climb out of his crib! Silly boy!
Loves this kid and he is so fun! Don't know what we would do with out him!

1 comment:

Scott Samantha Toomey said...

I think he is looking a lot like Tallon nowadays! I sure miss that little munchkin, though. Only 10 more days...I am counting down!