Monday, August 13, 2012


So Carter has had this new obsession with his toys lately! He puts them in piles just about anywhere but most commonly on the stairs by the front door! It is pretty funny and can keep him entertained for hours!
This particular day he loaded them all in his car...
Parked it then loaded them onto the stairs...
Then sat down and rearranged them over and over again!
Then Mom would come around the corner and he would start hiding them behind his back and pretend he didn't have anything or was up to nothing!
Hiding them behind his back!
It is one of the funniest things I have seen and he does this on a regular basis!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally I can read your blog! I got on my computer so I can read, not just look at pictures.
We miss you guys! Give Carter Man a big hug from me :)