Sunday, November 20, 2011

Life Lately...

Well where should I start! We are always on the go! McKay is almost done with this semester which means he only has one more! Yeah! He is doing the Athletic Training with  the Men's Basketball team at SUU and is loving that! He has traveled once and might be the only time he travels which is good for me and Carter that way we can see him more... he is at all practices and home games so still gone more than we like but know it won't be forever! He is doing excellent in school!
Hanging with Dad at the park on one of his long days in Cedar!
We have been on a few gator rides before the weather got cold and Carter really enjoyed them and seemed to fall asleep most everytime!
We have been to most of Uncle Isaac's football games and it has been really fun to watch him play! He is a great player! But we are definitely excited about basketball season... that is our favorite!
Carter likes to go to the gym and watch Dad and Uncle Isaac shoot around and play some one on one! Carter usually chases after a ball or watches them play!
As for me I am just working and being a Mom... which I love! I ran in a 5K with my sister in October and both of us are currently doing the Biggest Loser Enterprise... so wish us luck!
We are super excited for the Holiday season especially since Carter is with us this year! It has been so fun so far and I know it will only get better!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job on the 5K! I need more details on the Biggest Loser . . . sounds like a great idea!
Carter is so darn cute. We sure miss him. The kids climbed on my lap to look at all the pictures and Kennedy said, Oh man he is sure growing up."
Give him a big hug from all of us.