Sunday, November 20, 2011

~Carter at 8 Months~

Well I am 8 days late on this but I have not had time! Plus its a picture overload but he is just too cute!
So what Carter is up to at 8 months!
He weighs 20 lbs 4 oz. in the 65th percentile and is 29 1/4 in. tall and in the 95th percentile for heighth... so a tall boy! He started to crawl at 7 1/2 months and now he pulls himself up on everything and is all over the place and just wants to crawl crawl crawl! He has the cutest giggle! The poor kid took after Mom and has exzema :(! He is starting to say Uh Oh! He says Uh but can't quite figure out the Oh part! He has eaten all the vegetables now and I am going to keep him on that for a while so no fruits yet! He still has no teeth but I have a feeling they are coming! He loves attention and loves to hear his own voice! He hits his head numerous times a day... poor kid! He loves food... cries when he is done with a bowl of cereal or vegetables! He is starting to throw little tantrums like when we take away something that is dangerous! He has a fun personality and is always greeting you with a smile! He loves to drink water and drinks really well out of a sippy cup, waterbottle and drinks through a straw! He loves bath time... it is probably his favorite time of day! He laughs at himself and has this fake laugh as almost a courtesy laugh to whoever he is with! He is starting to be a pill when it comes to naps! Thats all I can think of for now... growing everyday and learning more each day! So fun we can't get enough of him!
At Isaac's football game! We love to go watch those!
Got stuck under the crib and was mad he couldn't figure out how to get out!
All bundled up for the football game!
Playing at the park!
Grandma Wallin giving him a taste of her apple!
Playing ball!
Big boy standing up!
Messy Marvin!
Must have been saying his prayers!
Watching a little tv!
His Halloween pumpkin!
Found him awake from his nap with his elephant pulled over him! Silly boy!
Drinking some water!
Our little skunk!
Playing the iPad!
Found a fort!
His binky is in upside down!

He loves to knock over these stacking blocks!
Loves when daddy comes home!
He absolutely Loves to watch that Kia Soul commercial with the hamsters singing Party Rock Anthem! he will watch this over and over again!
He also loves BYU Basketball... especially Jimmer Fredette highlight clips!
Loves to read books! Especially this one!
Crawling under the table to Dad!
Loves to help with the dishes!

Watching sports with dad!
Thought Dad's suitcase was a fun toy!
Loves balls!
Playing fine...
MOM! I need help I am doing the splits!
Handsome Church Boy!
Reading books!
Loves his water!

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