Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Day ~ 2010

Well this Christmas was the longest I have ever slept in on a Christmas morning! We woke up at 7:45 and it was wonderful!!! We were at my parents with Scott and Sam, Isaac and of course the two old folks!
Isaac opening his Playstation 3, he was pretty stoked!Scott and Sam opening their TV!McKay opening his shoes! He really was not all that suprised!Relaxing after the gift opening!McKay playing his new game for the XBox, kinetc sports!Later Felicia and the kids came to open their presents!
Dayne with his favorite person... we are not really sure how McKay got that role!Dayne opening his gift!AJ and Tallon opening their present!... and Aubrey opening hers!Grandpa and AJ chillin'!Me attempting to get a good picture of the kids under the tree but that's the best I got!Tallon patiently waiting to eat dinner!We had a great Christmas... we missed having Hadlee around for our first Christmas together as a family but we knew she was up to better things! It was a bit emotional for me at least but I can say as time goes on the better I get and it is more of a happy thought and a sense of joy than sadness!
Hope you all had a great Christmas!!!


Portia said...

I hope you had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS amanda!!! I thought of you a few times.... Your family is beautiful!

Ricci Harvey said...

Your family IS beautiful! I'm so sad that you and Hadlee couldn't be together for Christmas. But I am excited about your newest addition!

Unknown said...

*It is easy to like McKay, he is sweet, kind, and really let's be honest, just a BIG kid, not one of those {boring} grown ups.
*Glad you had a good Christmas.
*Sorry for the sadness holidays, family get togethers, etc. brings.
*Happy to hear that happy thoughts are starting to occur more than sadness.
I love you Amanda! And sometime, not on blog comments, but in a more private setting, I'd like to tell you just how grateful I am you are in our family.
*Hoping that time comes in a few months when "ya'll" move to Florida for a few months!

Lindsay said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas! I'm sorry about the feelings it brings about Hadlee, that must be so hard. You seem to stay so strong.

Also, I was wondering about the temple pictures you got that you brought to the ferguson christmas party. Do you have that lady's contact info or website? I'd love to order the Salt Lake temple picture. If you could just leave it as a comment on my blog or email it to me that would be awesome. Thanks!!