Well we are lucky and have had all of McKay's family close this last week... and we have made sure to have lots of fun and spend all our extra time with them since, one sister lives in Florida and one brother lives in Indiana! So until they all leave which isn't until the end of July... I will be posting a lot about the fun things we will be doing with them!
So this last week we have done quite a bit of swimming and little get togethers here and there!
One of the times we went swimming McKay and Colin got a teeter toter and tried to teeter in the swimming pool...
First trying to get on and balance... you can tell they are strugglin'!
... and face plant!!!
...this time they get balanced but Kay is submerged and still holding on! They will not let that teeter toter defeat them!!!
I think it got the best of them... Colin gave up and Kay is holding on for dear life... still with a smile on his face!!!
Bethany and Talyn...
Kaitlyn taking a rest from the pool!...
Jake thinking he is quit the stud... and he is!!!
Bethany, Talyn, Jake and Beth...
Colin and McKay trying to balance Taya and Kennedy!!!

Kelli and Jake just chillin'...

Kay and Kaitlyn gettin' ready for a 4 wheeler ride!This is another time we went swimming...
Avery and Quinnlyn rolled up in a ball... Kyli and Kennedy catching a tan...
Quinnlyn jumping from the side while Avery and Kayden cheer her on..
On Wednesday of last week a bunch of us went and visited Hadlee... it was great to go with lots of family!
Kay, Grandma Jones, Kelli, Beth, Jake, Kennedy, Kaitlyn and Kyli...Kaitlyn, Talyn, Kelli, Jake, Kyli and Kennedy!
Cute Cousins!... Kyli, Kennedy and Kaitlyn!!!
I have the funnest family! So happy to have them around!...
You have such a cute family! that is so neat your family visited Hadlee's grave with you, you have such a great family! Not to mention freakin cute neices and nephews=)
How fun! Keep it coming!
We are happy to be here too! You and McKay are so fun, the kids love you and I love you! Thanks for taking us to visit Hadlee and for letting us swim.
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