Monday, September 25, 2023

Cousin's Camp - Day 3

The next morning the kids were all a little tired waking up here and there! So Grandma let them watch some shows while kids were gradually waking up!
Then we made a waffle bar for breakfast!
Then it was time for the obstacle course!
Emma riding horse Miles!
Each day Grandma fills up their treat bags and then those are all the snacks they get for the day! So whenever they want to eat them is fine but that's also all they get for the day!
So here she is filling up all their bags!
Next it was time for the candy search!
Toys and candy spread all over her back lawn!
Getting ready to go!
Jones kids with their loot!
Miles coloring with one of the toys he got in the candy search!
Blowing bubbles!
Then more swimming!
The kids had a blast and were definitely exhausted after 3 days of fun!

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