Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Grayson Allen - Month 6

He is growing! I can't believe we have hit 6 months with this kid! It's been a wonderful 6 months and he has been such a great blessing for our family!
He is learning to balance better while he sits up on the floor, we still put some cushions around him for when he falls!
He is loving being able to sit up and play with toys!
His personality is coming out more and more, he can be quite the ham!
The whole time we were taking these 6 month pics, this is the only face he would give me!
It was sure cute and funny!
He is really starting to love the taste of food!
He started sitting up on his own and he loves that he can interact more with the kids!
He is eating about every 4 hours now and also eating veggies and fruit twice a day!
He is ready to eat more foods but I have been dragging my feet a little! Just not sure I am ready for him to grow up!
He is sleeping through the night with about 2 naps a day! He has been getting a little more restless at nap time so they aren't as long but I am sure it is just a phase!
He is starting to blow bubbles and raspberries! It's pretty darn cute!
He makes yummy noises when he eats because he is just really loving food!
He loves showers and baths! Hates getting lotion on and clothes!
He loves Mom and being close to her!
He loves to hold Mom's hand and snuggle!
He likes playing peek-a-boo!
He loves his walker!
Likes any toy he can hold!
He had carrots, sweet potatoes, strawberries and bananas for the first time this month!
He had a Dr. Appointment on the 13th of January!
Weight: 16 lbs. 6 oz. - 28%
Height: 26.75 in. - 62%
Head: 16.75 in. - 18%

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