Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Visiting Grandma Wallin

So the end of 2020 my Grandma Wallin had fallen a few times so at the end of December she wasn't feeling well and in a lot of pain so they took her into the hospital and ended up finding out she had a tumor in her stomach but at this point in her life it would be best not o do surgery!
Aunt Kat let us know that she didn't think she would last to much longer so my Mom and siblings decided to take a trip up and spend time with her before we wouldn't be able to again!
She was so fun to talk too! We spent the whole day with her! She was in and out of sleep which is very unlike her! Usually she just goes goes goes!
I was so happy I was able to go! It was a good trip!
Grandma Wallin with her daughter in law Caroline and 3 of her grandkids, Me, Isaac and Sam!
Aunt Kat who has been do good to take care of her for so long!
She was in such a good mood, teasing and laughing with us! She also kept telling us how ready she was to move on! She wanted to see her husband and 2 boys that have passed on, plus she has a granddaughter and a great granddaughter their!

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